Friday, April 26, 2019

Associate Pastor Staff Search

It has been almost a year now since we started the search for a full time Associate Pastor. For almost 6 months of that time we were working on the person we felt was going to be our next staff member. Turns out the Lord had others plans. Blessed be the Name of the Lord…Amen? Amen. We trust His guidance and pray for patience to wait upon the Lord. We have been in the process of receiving resumes and doing interviews. We have been blessed to talk with some very talented and gifted individuals. We have had some that made us want a second follow up visit right away. That is very encouraging. We will keep you updated as we make progress. We are in what I refer to as the “Dating Stage”. We are looking at multiple resumes and are interviewing multiple persons. When one catches our heart then we will stop and see if we sense God is leading. When we get down to looking at just one person, we will enter the “engagement stage”. That is when you get to meet them. Ultimately, we are looking for the “let’s get married stage” when we extend a call to them and they accept! Oh, what a day!

By the way, just an update on the position we are looking to fill. We are looking for what we used to call an Associate Pastor. In the olden-golden days we used to refer to this as an Educational Director. Today the position would be referred to as a Pastor of Discipleship or Pastor of Connection Ministries or an Assimilation Pastor. At any rate, we are looking for a “second chair” who would serve as an Associate Pastor. The idea of having a successor to take over in the far distant future when I retire is really off the table. At one time we had hoped the Associate would be the person to become the Senior Lead Pastor when I retire. Currently, we are only looking for an Associate, a Second Chair. Primary responsibilities of the Associate Pastor would include leading our small group (Connection Group) ministries and our ministry teams.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. We do believe God has the right person out there and they, too, are waiting on the leadership of the Lord.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Is it the same old thing only new and different? For the past several years we have really enjoyed the culinary throw-down called “The Taste of James Island”. It featured the best dishes from the best cooks for many of the churches right here on James Island. Our very own cooks won the coveted first place prize one year. Back in those days it was a free, family friendly event that helped raise awareness of the significant ministry and mission of the James Island Outreach. Mission accomplished and a great time was had by all.

Now, imagine the old Taste of James Island super-sized! Now we are featuring those same church cooks as well as local restaurants and community groups. Something great just got better! What could be better than 10 churches putting their best cooks to work? How about even more! The team that heads this up is pulling out all the stops to make this the signature food event on James Island. Come this year and you will be able to say you were there when it all started.

There will be kids activities, live music, a 50/50 raffle, door prizes and food, glorious food, galore.
Now here is the catch. It is a little different than the past years…everything was free. This is now more like all the other food festivals with an entrance fee. There is a $5 per person fee but children under 9 are free. You will be able to sample dishes for $2 each. This really has all the makings of one of the hottest tickets on James Island.

The date is Saturday, April 27 from 11 am to 3 pm. It will be held on the First Baptist School Athletic Field on 2051 George Griffith Blvd right here on James Island (Next to Walmart). If you think about it, bring a non-perishable food item to support the pantry. Btw, did you know that James Island Baptist gave almost 2 tons of jelly. You gave 3,416 pounds of food and an additional $7,040. to help support JIO. You are such a wonderful giving church family. If you hear of anyone who cannot go because of finances, please let me know. We will make sure they are not left out of the fun!

See you this Sunday, Resurrection Sunday! He is risen, He is risen indeed.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


This past Sunday, Susan Warren introduced the Sending Hope 2019 Prayer Guide for North American Missions. This prayer guide is for many, the beginning of an emphasis on Southern Baptist Missions in North America. The brochure has 8 days of guided prayer for mission work taking place all over North America. This morning is our staff meeting, we read Day 2. It was an informative story about Jorge and Rebeca Santiago serving in Puerto Rico. Your gifts were able to purchase a generator for the Santiagos and the new church they started. They, in turn, used the generator to minister to the community. In an area with no electricity, they were able to help wash clothes and to help get the public school back open. Cool story you will not hear about on the nightly news!

Two things you can do. First, use the prayer guides and lift the missionaries and their work up to the Lord in prayer. You have often heard it said that the number one request from our missionaries is prayer. We can provide that. Second, would you consider a gift to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions? It really is a great way to make sure you get the most bang for your buck. For the next several weeks you can pick up the prayer guides at the church and make an offering to missions. Thank you for being so generous and faithful in prayers and offerings. It really does make a difference. There are over 273 million people in the United States that have no relationship with Jesus. Your weekly tithes and offerings help support the 5,000 North American missionaries that serve our Lord through the Southern Baptist Convention. Every dollar given through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering goes directly to help resource their work.

It is just one of the ways you “Send Hope”. Don’t ever lose sight of the way you send hope locally. You help support the Transition House, still one of the only ministries in Charleston that accepts women, with infants on one of the step down drugs. We currently have two residents in the house. This is made possible by your tithes and offerings. You send hope every Sunday night for the 40 adults who gather as a part of Celebrate Recovery, JIBC continues to provide worship space for Luz Y Verdad. You are sending hope as we support a full time missionary to the overwhelmingly un-churched population of youth in the James Island community. You are sending hope every time you bring a jar of jelly or make a gift to the James Island Outreach as we seek to help the under-served and those in need. Just fyi, last year you JIBC gave $7,040 to James Island Outreach and 3,416 pounds of food! That is over 1 ¾ ton of food! Great job.

Sending Hope is not just something we do way off yonder…it is something we do every day, every week, every month of the year at James Island Baptist Church.

Send Hope,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, April 4, 2019


I am not sure I like the concept of April Fool’s Day. I particularly do not like the idea of pranks. Ok, maybe small, none offensive, no blood pressure raising pranks. Our daughter Erin had our grandson Wyatt call Monday morning and say “Grandma, guess what, I lost my first tooth!” He got her good! Then he burst out with “April Fool Grandma!” Grandma, not to be outdone responded “Oh, too bad, because the tooth fairy was leaving you a lot of money for that first tooth over here at Grandma’s…April Fool!”

Now, as it turns out, playing pranks is a specialty for some people. Sometimes in life, there are events that are so bizarre that you are sure this must be an April fool joke or prank. So, thank you for those of you who withheld the obligatory pranks last Monday. Life events can often be challenging enough without wondering was that for real or was that a bad April Fool joke?

So, how about an April Wisdom day? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. What could we do to show our awe and reverence for the Lord? In the Old Testament Job was known for his fear of the Lord and his desire to shun and avoid evil. His fear of God (reverence and love) led him to the desire to avoid anything that was evil or sin. I would like it if my love for God and our Lord Jesus would be so strong it was the reason I chose not to sin. I sometimes chose not to sin because I prefer to avoid the consequence. Other times I chose not to sin because I have lost my appetite for some particular sin. I would like to add to that a desire to do well and to not sin simply because I love God so deeply. Imagine a love so strong that sin, evil, anger, pride, fear, jealousy, ego are all overshadowed by the brightness of God’s greatness and our love for Him.

My desire is not so much to focus on April Fool’s Day…but to focus on Every Day Wisdom Day. To love, revere and fear God so much that I never want to disappoint Him or be disobedient. I am not there…but I pray daily for the Holy Spirit to continue His transforming work in me.

Happy April Wisdom Day to you!

Pastor Tom