Thursday, April 4, 2019


I am not sure I like the concept of April Fool’s Day. I particularly do not like the idea of pranks. Ok, maybe small, none offensive, no blood pressure raising pranks. Our daughter Erin had our grandson Wyatt call Monday morning and say “Grandma, guess what, I lost my first tooth!” He got her good! Then he burst out with “April Fool Grandma!” Grandma, not to be outdone responded “Oh, too bad, because the tooth fairy was leaving you a lot of money for that first tooth over here at Grandma’s…April Fool!”

Now, as it turns out, playing pranks is a specialty for some people. Sometimes in life, there are events that are so bizarre that you are sure this must be an April fool joke or prank. So, thank you for those of you who withheld the obligatory pranks last Monday. Life events can often be challenging enough without wondering was that for real or was that a bad April Fool joke?

So, how about an April Wisdom day? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. What could we do to show our awe and reverence for the Lord? In the Old Testament Job was known for his fear of the Lord and his desire to shun and avoid evil. His fear of God (reverence and love) led him to the desire to avoid anything that was evil or sin. I would like it if my love for God and our Lord Jesus would be so strong it was the reason I chose not to sin. I sometimes chose not to sin because I prefer to avoid the consequence. Other times I chose not to sin because I have lost my appetite for some particular sin. I would like to add to that a desire to do well and to not sin simply because I love God so deeply. Imagine a love so strong that sin, evil, anger, pride, fear, jealousy, ego are all overshadowed by the brightness of God’s greatness and our love for Him.

My desire is not so much to focus on April Fool’s Day…but to focus on Every Day Wisdom Day. To love, revere and fear God so much that I never want to disappoint Him or be disobedient. I am not there…but I pray daily for the Holy Spirit to continue His transforming work in me.

Happy April Wisdom Day to you!

Pastor Tom