Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Just recently a visitor commented that they loved the worship experience at JIBC but they had a hard time finding a parking space. Don’t think of this from our perspective. We members know the ins and outs of where to park. But as a guest, as far as they know, JIBC folk can only park on JIBC property. IF that were the case, we really would be in a parking jam. Don’t get me wrong. I would much rather have a problem finding parking than having so many empty spaces you could park anywhere. So, let me share part of the answer to this challenge.

First, we have a “collaborative” relationship with all the businesses around JIBC. I use the word collaborative intentionally. The County loves when businesses share space in what they call a collaborative relationship. Some of our relationships are very formal with signed agreements and some are based on a verbal agreement. That means they use our parking space during the week and we use their parking space on Sundays. Winner, winner chicken dinner.

Second, here is the challenge. You may not have known our parking arrangements with our business neighbors. It is very likely that our guests would have no way to know. So how can we accommodate those who are guests, those who have babies/children and those who are Senior Adults? Join me and some of our leaders by choosing the off campus parking spaces across the street. You can park in front of the flower shop (Keepsakes) or in front of Brysons Garage, etc. You may also park in front of any of Sifly Homes Building businesses on Plymouth. For those with trucks, we also have permission to park in the undeveloped lot across from our campus on Plymouth. Really, you may park where you like. We can make parking for guests, parents with babies and small children and Seniors a little easier. The only place we encourage you not to park is in the lot behind the church off of Maybank Highway. That is the space we designate for Luz Y Verdad, the Hispanic Church. If you park there and get blocked in, just remember they get out of worship around 1:00 or 1:30. Choose wisely! Lol.

So, I repeat, if you have to have a problem it might as well be a good one. Needing parking is a good one. The down side is they are not making any more real estate!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing. Remember, with all the sickness going around…wash your hands often, get rest and drink fluids.

Pastor Tom