Tuesday, June 9, 2020


I am so very pleased at how well the three Sunday morning worship services went. We had great volunteers who cheerfully served and staff that led the way! Thank you one and all. I consider it a privilege to work with you all. One of the most amazing accomplishments was the timing of the services and having everyone making it from one place to the other…on time. Remember they were back to back to back at 9, 10 and 11. Many of our staff and volunteers did triple duty! Thank you and thank you and thank you. So, here is the run down: three worship services, one baptism and a wedding. It was a good day to be at James Island Baptist. I was pleasantly surprised at how many stayed after the 9:00 service to enjoy the music at 10:00. I suspect some who attend the 11:00 service will start coming earlier to enjoy the 10:00 music too!

One of the things I love most about our JIBC family is the attitude of cooperation and encouragement. Everyone was so on board and appreciative of having their temperature taken and answering the minimum health questions. This blesses them and others. We do this out of love for others and our willingness to be servants to others. By the way, if you ever do not feel like having your temperature taken or answering the basic general health questions, we fully understand that JIBC family might not be the place for you to worship or that you will wait to return when these precautions are longer necessary. That is ok. Some may wait to return when the Covid-19 pandemic is more under control. We will always want to bless you and your family for following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We encourage you to make choices you feel best for you. Your JIBC leadership team will do what we feel is best based on our research. Many of our members are rightly practicing caution by waiting a while longer. We bless you and look forward to seeing you again soon. Others are coming, wearing masks, strictly keeping distancing practices and doing all they know to do. Others are wading in using the best hygiene practices they know. I love you all. Thank you for staying in the fight!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom