Thursday, July 30, 2020


“I have given you a definite decision…I said definitely maybe!” That is what I feel like when we start discussing when we will begin in person worship gatherings. By the way, isn’t that an interesting phrase…in person worship gatherings. If we think back B.C. (Before Covid) that was a phrase we very seldom used. The idea existed because there are those who can only worship online or on television. Now, it is a phrase that applies to many of us. But I digress. Let’s get back to the definite maybe discussion.

Our staff is working on when to attempt to re-launch the in person worship services. It is about as easy as the decision to open schools or not. You may remember the reason we stopped the services was due to almost the entire praise team being isolated because of Covid-19. JIBC went so long without having anyone with Covid -19. Then, coincidentally, the JIBC spike in cases joined the spike in cases that was being experienced in South Carolina. Just fyi, the members we have had with Covid-19 did not have mild symptoms. They experienced the full wrath of this horrible virus. Sadly, we have even now had a member to pass away with Covid-19.

So when will we try to start gathering again? Well, remember we have been gathering…online. I have wonderful reports of some of our Connection Groups doing good work in spite of not being able to gather in person. I think most of us really do miss the face to face, or should we say mask to mask, meetings. We are weary of all of this yet so very thankful for our Fathers blessings.

Our goal….drum roll please…is Sunday, September 6 as a definite maybe. We will try September 6 as our “let’s make sure we remember how to do all the Covid-19 procedures”. Then the actual launch will be Sunday, September 13. That date rings a bell. It will be our 35th Anniversary as Church and Pastor! It will also be my 65th birthday. Now that would be a great way to celebrate both occasions. Let’s meet together for a day of worship and celebration. That is a definite maybe!

Until then, join us as we gather together on line each week!

Pastor Tom