Friday, October 9, 2020


Thank you! Janie and I thank you all for the love and support. We are still enjoying the cards and letters from our church family and friends celebrating my 65th birthday and our 35th year of ministry. Janie bought me an awesome shirt that said “VINTAGE 1955: MOSTLY ORIGINAL PARTS.” She did not know how accurate that would be! We thank you for your prayers for my recent surgery to remove my gall bladder. The warranty had expired and so it had to go. Your prayers and love were greatly appreciated. I had the easy part of being the patient. She had the harder part of being patient! We both deeply appreciated your prayers and love.

I also want to thank our Lord for your amazing generosity. Even during the Covid 19 Pandemic, you continue to give generously. I am just back to work this week, so I have not seen the latest update. But the “Gift Match” was met with love and grace. It might not bring us up to even with our budget needs, but it certainly gave us opportunity to do more missions. We were able to send a $2000 gift to Charles and Judy Dillon to help feed the people in Sulphur, Louisiana. Because they are not a big name town, they were not on the radar to get help. That is exactly who Charles and Judy are drawn to. We will get pictures and updates soon. By the way, anyone interested in a hands on mission trip? Perhaps your Connection Group, Family, group of friends would be interested in a short term trip? Charles can set you up with a place to stay and they could use all kinds of help.

Your generous giving also made it possible to help James Island Outreach in their greatest time of need. We were blessed to have the Executive Director, Scott Graule join us for worship this past Sunday. He played the drums for us and gave us an update on the Outreach Mission.

Talk about a gift that keeps on giving: this gift also made it possible for us to replace an aging computer used every week in our worship services. I could really keep going on and on. It is my desire to give God glory, thank Him for His grace and mercy and to thank our church family and friends for their generous giving. You reflect His glory.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue the verse by verse study of Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament. It is a great message on how to re-connect with God! Invite a friend and join us.

Pastor Tom