Ever thought about what are some of your favorite chapters in the Bible? I often say Psalm 23 as a meditation when I am anxious. It is a gift from our Father to help bring calm and assurance. I still get a little anxious when I fly so you are likely to see me quietly meditating on this Psalm.
I also have referred to Psalm 91 more in 2020 than I have the rest of my life combined. It is a powerful chapter speaking about the loving protection of God. You may remember the beginning of the Covid-19 panic back in January and February of 2020. Wow, that seems so long ago. We started and ended several of our worship services reading this Psalm. I printed it everywhere that I could and prayed through it often.
I am sure we could have wonderful and meaningful conversations about your favorite chapters in the Bible. I hope you will share them with me sometime. Today, I want to share with you another one of my favorites, Colossians 3. Inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, penned by the Apostle Paul, this beautiful chapter has often brought me balance and peace. There are times when I find myself dominated by old ways of thinking and old habits that I looked to for peace. The problem is I am not that old Tom anymore. I have been born again, I have a new life and a new nature in Christ Jesus. Paul helps me to see that while I am free from the penalty and punishment of sin, I am not yet free from the presence and temptation of sin. This chapter, Colossians 3, lays out some spiritual exercises and principles that will help me find balance and peace and will fill my cup. The Word of God calls us to set our minds and hearts on things above, not on earthly things. We are to acknowledge, believe and act on the truth that Jesus Christ is our life, our source of life, the meaning and purpose of life. The other things, the “earthly things”, are an attempt to substitute for the real thing. For example, it is tempting to substitute religion about Jesus for a relationship with Jesus.
Jesus calls us to sacrifice the lower things of life to receive the higher things. We are invited to let go of the old ways and open our hands to receive God’s new ways. This past Sunday, I taught on Colossians 3:1-4. It dealt with this in more detail. This coming Sunday, February 14, I will teach on Colossians 3:5-11. Remember you can check these messages out at jamesislandbaptist.com.
I am hoping that as we go through Colossians 3 together, this will also become one of your favorite chapters in the Bible. Don’t forget to work on memorizing Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up: do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”
See you Sunday, good Lord willing!
Pastor Tom