Friday, April 30, 2021


We have a very unique opportunity coming up on Sunday, June 6 at 4:00. It may look like just another one of our Class 101: Discovering Church Membership Classes, but it has a bonus. Several of our new JIBC Staff members will be attending. How cool will that be that you joined JIBC the same day as some of our staff!

Now, back to the question: Why is church membership so important? Following Christ is more than just believing, it is also belonging. You belong to the Body of Christ. “In Christ, we who are many form one Body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5

I know there is a universal, big “C” church that consists of all believers of all time and all places. You will find, though, that most of the time the New Testament speaks about the local church, the small “c” church. Membership in a local church is far more than just having your name on a church roll. It is about belonging and declaring I am all in. Being a member of a local church is your way of committing to a local church family; declaring you are a part of this particular family of God; making it clear you are all in. We understand not everyone is ready for that level of commitment.

We encourage guests to visit for a while before deciding to join. We even offer the Class 101: Discovering Membership as a very good way to make that final decision one way or the other. At first sight, the 4 hour class of membership seems to be a big requirement. It is not if you are asking potential members to join us in following Christ and to make disciples who make disciples that change the world. I would rather raise the bar of expectation than lower it. “Pick up your cross and follow me” is a big requirement. We have chosen to follow His leadership in this matter.

We believe to be a fully devoted follower of Christ, membership into His Body, Universal and Local, is a part of the discipleship journey. Back in the day we use to see “church hoppers”. They would stay at a church until they disagree with something and then hop to another. The local family is devastated when dad or mom go “spouse hopping” trying out other families until they find one they liked better. Crude illustration…but somewhat on target. A current trend would be to be a part of several local churches at one time, never committing to any one church family. That sounds and feels a little like just being a consumer of religious goods and services.

We might lose some by raising the bar like Jesus did when he invited us to “pick up our cross and follow him”. Then again, we might continue to make disciples who are not afraid to charge the gates of hell with the Gospel; not afraid to join God in His mission to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. Church membership is important. It is not just having your name on a church role. It is believing in Jesus, belonging to a local family of believers and committing to being all in!

I am glad I am a member of James Island Baptist Church!

Pastor Tom