Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Would you agree with that? There are some things you just can’t beat. You can’t beat a good Sunday family dinner that includes a well made mac-n-cheese and banana pudding for dessert. You can’t beat a really good hot dog and a coke at a Braves Game. You really can’t beat the first hug from your church family after social distancing for over a year! Your list will be different, but we all have things you just can’t beat.

For three Wednesday nights in June, June 9, 16 and 30, the JIBC family is invited to gather at Folly Beach at the Folly Beach County Park. You can’t beat it! The beauty of the beach, the healing sound of the waves, the cool breeze of the evening, sitting around with friends, beach games…it is hard to beat.

Pastor Kent has put together three Wednesday nights in June for our church family to gather for fellowship and friendship. Janie and I are planning on being at all three. By the way, I know there are 5 Wednesdays in June. Two will have already passed by the time you read this, and one is the week of Vacation Bible School (June 21-25). That still gives us two to enjoy together. Janie and I take our chairs and a sub sandwich and sit and soak in the beauty of friendship as well as the beauty of the beach. There are some things you just can’t beat. It is not too late to join us for June 16th and 30th.

Just when you thought that was enough, we also have Wednesdays in July “UNDER THE OAKS” MOVIE NIGHTS. July 7, 14, 21, and 28 we will host our church family and community for a movie event. Again, bring your chair and enjoy a fun night under the oaks. There is a rumor we will have food trucks! This is a kid friendly event that will be lots of fun. We have upgraded our equipment so the movie looks great on the big screen!

What a great opportunity for us to catch up on the fellowship we have missed over the past year. Come on out, meet some new friends, see some fun movies and eat some popcorn. What is not to love!

Really, there are some things you just can’t beat!

Hope to see you this Sunday as we continue a new teaching series on Family Values Written In Stone. The Ten Commandments are just as important today as the first day God delivered them to Israel.


Pastor Tom