We are wired up to grieve when we lose someone or something we love. Grieving is not a sign of a lack of faith or that we don’t believe God is good and God is great. Grieving is a sign that we are human, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God….but still human. We love and get attached and then we lose someone or something we love…and we grieve. Jesus gives us the hope, the help and the healing we need in this verse: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Mourning, good grief is the way to being comforted.
What is it that might cause us to grieve? The simple answer is loss. The hard answer is the loss of a loved one. That is usually what we associate with grieving…the loss of a loved one who died. The pain is real. Our pain can be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and even social. You can’t just will the pain away and there is no time limit to how long the hurt lasts.
But there are other significant losses that cause us to grieve. My father had his leg amputated because of a poor circulation problem. He, and our family, grieved that loss. Others may grieve the loss of a job, a friendship, a beloved pet, the loss of mobility, a loved one who has dementia or Alzheimer’s. There are a myriad of things that can cause grief. The pain is real…not because we don’t have faith but because we are human.
That brings me to my invitation. Starting Sunday, September 5, I will be teaching an 8 week course on “Life’s Healing Choices”. This is a book written by John Baker. The book is based on the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5. I am hoping you will consider joining us for 8 weeks as we mourn together and experience comfort together. This is an open class for anyone who would like to attend. I will be leading the study. Each participant will have a book and a study book.
Now, here is the really good news about when this will be offered. Participants can, if they wish, join us at 5:30 for a fellowship meal. That is optional. At 6:15 we will gather in the worship center for a time of celebration. Pastor David and the praise band will lead us each week in a time of worship that will prepare our hearts for the teaching of God’s Word in Life’s Healing Choices. We will then go to our different small groups for a 45 minute study and we will be dismissed before 8:00. In addition to the Fellowship Meal, there is a nursery offered, a program for children and Jr. High and Sr. High Students.
Maybe this is for you. Maybe it is for someone you know who is stuck in their grieving or could use a little encouragement.
I hope you will join us. It will be worthwhile. Blessed are those who mourn, they will be comforted. Let the healing begin.
Pastor Tom