Do you like banana splits? Many people do and that is part of what keeps Ye Old Fashion Ice Cream in business. If you like ice cream…and what’s not to like…you can’t go wrong with a banana split. Three scoops of ice cream layered with lots of deliciousness. OK, I am going to push this analogy into our church world.
We have a “banana split” of blessing to be enjoyed. I get it, not everyone loves chocolate or vanilla or strawberry. None the less, we have three opportunities to move your discipleship forward. I think all three are part of a wonderful mix of blessing.
First, the Wednesday night course based on the book by Emerson Eggerichs, entitled Love and Respect. The full title is Love & Respect, The Love She Most Desires and the Respect He Desperately Needs. This is one of the four books I recommend to young couples who are getting married. Please hear me say this is an important presentation of Biblical principles presented in a way everyone can understand. This study is being taught by John and Cindy Bohr. If you don’t know John and Cindy, you are in for a blessing. Both of them are wonderful followers of Jesus who are easy to love. There is still time for you to sign up for this Wednesday Night blessing.
The Second Scoop of blessing happens every week…Connection Groups. We have old groups, new groups, groups that meet on JIBC campus and groups that meet in homes. You can find a group on your own of course. Or you can use our very own spiritual GPS, Pastor Scott. He is always up and excited to help our friends get plugged into groups. For those who are not in a group I can only compare you to those who have never tried a big old scoop of banana split. Try it...Connection Groups are one of God’s major delivery systems of blessing and growth.
The Third Scoop, so to speak, is the 8 week course I am teaching on Grief. We are using the book Life’s Healing Choices by John Baker. We grieve over many things: loss of loved ones; loss of health; loss of jobs and careers; loss of reputation; loss of friends when we move; etc. Not dealing with our grief can lead to what we call hurts, hang-ups and habits. So, we want to journey together in learning how to grieve in a healthy way that will move us toward healing. We have all been there. This group will meet on Sunday nights. Join us for a fellowship meal at 5:30, Worship at 6:30 and the class at 7:00.
OK, three really great discipleship options for you to consider. Come on and enjoy the blessing of our Lord Jesus. You will be glad you did.
Pastor Tom