It is a fun question and can result in some very heartfelt answers. What do you want for Christmas? Let’s start with one thing that is always on the list…world peace. Right? How in the world the human race has survived for so long is a testimony to the grace of God. Sin, greed and self-centeredness seem to always be behind the callous call for attack and war, whether it is personal, political, racial, national or international. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” By God’s grace we can have peace with God, know the peace of God in our lives and be agents of peace in our community and world.
Another thing I always want for Christmas is for family to be together. When my grown kids ask me what I want for Christmas the answer is always the same: I want all my kids sitting at my table talking with no cell phones. It is my favorite gift. If they get me socks of handkerchiefs, that is ok, too.
Wouldn’t it be a great Christmas if we could find a way to give gifts to those who really are under served? That is one of the reasons I love the way JIBC celebrates the Advent season. We keep the emphasis on Jesus, worship and giving. During the entire month of December we will be collecting jelly for James Island Outreach ( diapers and wipes for The Low Country Pregnancy Center (; snacks for the Backpack Buddies ministry helping underserved students; and a love offering for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that helps support almost 4,000 missionaries around the world (
Yep, that is a big part of what I want for Christmas: a church family that continually focuses outward. I love you all and hope you get what you want for Christmas. BTW, don’t forget to invite someone to one of the Christmas Eve Services. This year’s service will have something very new!
Pastor Tom