I have always thought that was a wonderful way to state one’s love. Not to be too sappy, but it is easy to say “How do I love thee JIBC?” Two Sundays ago, I was dealing with vertigo. I made it to worship that morning and prepared Communion. Then I made the call…I am out and Scott is in! I hated to make such a last minute change. I am thankful for Scott’s willingness and ability to step in literally minutes before it was time for the service. Last week I had 2 bad days and four good days. That is good progress. Just to be safe, I asked our Youth Director, Logan to preach for me this past Sunday morning. I did not want to make another last minute call.
By Sunday night, I felt the goodness of God had allowed me to start feeling “normal”…whatever that is, right? So, back to the sonnet, I love the team that I have the privilege of working with each week.
I also love that almost everything we are promoting lately is related to outreach and mission. Several children were introduced to Christ at Kids Camp, we have a sports camp going on as I type this article. I went out to see them Monday morning, it they had 37 children in the sports camp. 25 of them report that they do not have a church home! In a week, on Friday, August 5, we will provide over 100 book bags filled with school supplies for the children at the EME Apartments on Central Park Road. We are doing this in partnership with a sister church, Emmanuel Baptist Church. The apartment complex management has not given us a time for the Back To School Party. When they do, you are invited to join us in the fun. The school supplies will be such a relief for single moms and underserved families. When it is all said and done, we expect to full 140 book bags. We hear a lot about Critical Race Theory…which I reject. I am busy promoting Kingdom Race Theory. It is based on an old song “Red and Yellow, Black and White, they are precious in His sight” and a wonderful Word from God found in Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
How do I love thee JIBC…let me count the ways. And a whole lot of ways are related to how you continue to be outward focused. You still have time to bring some school supplies by the office or to worship Sunday. You don’t have to buy everything on the list…every little bit will help.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing and the little calcium crystals in my ears don’t rise!
Pastor Tom