For years we celebrated the church anniversary on the second Sunday of July. This past Sunday would have been the Sunday we had a church wide meal, recognition of any charter members and other Anniversary events. We did not forget the day or the date. We did, however, move the date to September. We are planning a big event…or two!
Join me in prayer and thought about this idea. How could we make this 75th Anniversary really different? What could we do that would be in keeping with who we are, what we value and what we see God doing here? How about this: To celebrate our 75 years as a church family, we find 75 Ways to Bless the Community in 75 days. If we start the first day of September, that would take us to November 14. I know some of you are thinking that 75 is too small a number. It will be quite ok if we happen to find 100 ways to bless the community in 75 days! Right?
I would really love to see us make a statement like this: we celebrate 75 years by focusing outward instead of inward. We are not forgetting about our church family. We are planning a church-wide fellowship meal at the Charleston County Park here on James Island. It will be big, really big! How many times do you get to celebrate 75 years?
I am so looking forward to how we can respond to such an Anniversary Challenge. Start praying and thinking…what are 75 ways we could bless the community? I can’t wait to hear the ideas and all the stories.
By the way, didn’t you love hearing Logan tell us about the wonderful Student Mission trip? Wow, solid work, great group, no drama…just loving Jesus and loving people. Thank you Father for your watch care and blessings.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Tom