In my mind, I am thinking what is not to love? I do understand that there are some who really struggle with the holidays. Seasonal Affective Disorder is real and it can pack a heavy emotional punch! Even with that being said, I am praying that all the hope, peace, joy and love of the Christmas season will brighten the season.
Now, for the rest of us, let the “ho, ho, holy day celebrations begin. Here are a few things I want to emphasize for this season.
One, please consider making a financial gift to the Lottie Moon International Missions Offering. As Great Commission Baptists, we help support 3,650 full time missionaries around the world. We work in 116 different countries. This year’s Week of Prayer Guide gives a great way to pray with specificity for missions around the world. Janie and I try to make our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering the first gift of the Christmas Season.
Two, you do not want to miss the joy of the first Annual Jingle Jam. This will be a night of smiles and laughter. Family friendly, interactive, touching all the senses! Wednesday night December 14 from 6 to 8:15! Actually, it starts with the Fellowship Meal at 5 if you want a night out to eat. Meal time is optional…fun time is a must! Please invite children that you know. Did I mention there will be jugglers???
Three, Christmas Eve services will be at 4 PM and 6 PM. We will have our traditional Carols, Communion and Candlelight Service. This service has always been a standing room only. The staff finally convinced me to go to two services instead of just one. They were right! We pack out the 4 PM service and have a very full 6 PM service. It is always a favorite. Remember, family and friends are more likely to accept your invitation to a Christmas Eve service than what they view as a “every Sunday” kind of service. We have beautiful, colorful invite cards to help us invite.
And now, number four: Christmas Day is on a Sunday. I know, that I know that I know there will be some folks who cannot make it Sunday morning. No problem, no guilt, no lecture. The Sabbath was made for you. For those who would like to come, we will have one service at 11 AM. We WILL NOT HAVE A 9 AM SERVICE. You can come casual. We will plan on singing our favorite Christmas Carols, reading the Christmas Story to the children; have a Christmas Message on our Advent theme, When Christ Came Down.
Now, see what I mean? What is not to love about the Christmas Season? I love it all. Hope to see you at one or all of the special days of celebration. Merry CHRIST-MAS, Happy Holy-days, and all the rest of the warm Christmas greetings.
Pastor Tom