First, to follow Jesus’ example: Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Read about it in Mark 1:9. Second, we are baptized because Christ commanded it. It is part of the Great commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. The third reason we are baptiszed is to demonstrate that we are truly believers and followers of Christ. 1 John 2:2 reminds us that we know that we belong to Him when we keep His commands.
What is the meaning of Baptism? The act of baptism illustrates beautifully the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul spoke of this in Colossians 2:12. It also illustrates our new life in Christ. Two verses I love are 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 6:4.
So why do we baptize by immersion? Three reasons I would suggest. One, because Jesus was baptized by immersion. (Matthew 3:16). Two, every baptism in the Bible is by immersion. And three, the word baptism actually means immerse.
Who, then, should be baptized? The answer is wonderful: every person who has believed and trusted in Jesus Christ. Read the wonderful verses in Acts 2:41 and Acts 8:13.
For JIBC, baptism is part of what we refer to as “First Base: Fellowship and Membership in God’s family. Our desire is to see all people BELIEVE, be BAPTIZED and BELONG to a local church family. In keeping with that, we are planning a BEACH BAPTISM on Wednesday, August 9th at the Folly Beach County Park.
We will gather around the church flags…so you will not miss us. Somewhere around 6:30 or 7:00 we will celebrate believers Baptism. If you would like to be in that group, please call us at 843.762.0244.
Speaking of baptism, our Hispanic ministry partners, Luz y Verdad, will be baptizing on Sunday, July 9, after our 11:00 service. If you want to see a wonderful celebration, try to time visiting during their baptism service. To God be the Glory.
Pastor Tom