There is Good News. Then there is Good News. And finally there is Good News. Let’s start with the Good News.
FIRST GOOD NEWS: James Island Baptist Church is touching the world. We are commissioning one of our Elders, Mark Livengood, to go to Slovakia. His assignment will be to work with the refugees from Ukraine that have relocated in Slovakia. Slovakia is located at the western most part of Ukraine. They are a part of Europe and are a part of NATO. Mark will be going to teach ESL type classes, English as a Second Language. This is a part of the planting new churches strategy. We thank God for the opportunity to partner with Mark in prayers, finances and words of encouragement. Never doubt that our Father can touch anywhere in the world from James Island.
SECOND GOOD NEWS. We are still on for the Celebration of Believers Baptism. This baptism will be a little different. First, we have 15 people signed up to be baptized. That is more that we have had in some years and we are doing it all in one evening. Second, it will be at Folly Beach County Park, right in front of the main building. (Look for the JIBC flag and pop up tent) Beach Baptism will be Wednesday, August 9. We meet before 6:30 pm and will plan on baptisms at 7:00 pm. Watch the traffic…it can be slow going on Folly Road. If you can, leave early. Many of you had a part in leading these to Christ and to believers’ baptism. I hope you will join us to see the fruit of your labors and God’s grace!
THIRD GOOD NEWS. This Sunday we will have all of the Backpack and School supplies in the worship center. (They will not all be filled yet, but they will all be in there!) I wanted everyone to see what $10,000 of school supplies and blessings look like. We will have 234 School Bags with gift certificates to the Rack Room for a new pair of shoes! Each book bag will have the basic school supplies, somewhere around $26 worth! Each book bag will have a card telling them of God’s love and sharing with them the basic ABC plan of salvation. We anticipate having supplies left over. Again, by the way, we are partnering with Emmanuel Baptist Church to distribute the book bags and supplies. There is gonna be a party on Friday, August 11 at the James Island Outreach.
Repeat after me: God is good all the time and all the time God is good!
Pastor Tom