Thursday, May 16, 2024
This Sunday will be the unofficial ending of our 40 Days of Prayer Campaign. Why unofficial? Like the old theologian Yoggi Berra used to say “It ain’t over til it’s over!” We have a few more things to celebrate.
First, this Sunday, May 19 will be Celebration Sunday #1. We will have a closing video, observe the Lord’s Supper, and recognize and say thanks to all of our 40 DOP hosts. Each host will receive a special gift from Pastor Kyle. We are working on a way to give everyone an opportunity to give thanks and glory to the Lord for the blessings of the 40 DOP.
The second celebration happens on Sunday, May 26. Kyle will be giving a praise and thanksgiving report during the 9:00 and at 11:00 Worship Services. In between, we will have a church wide adult fellowship at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. All adult Connection Groups are invited. It does not matter if you meet on Sundays or during the week. Come on by get something to drink, see some new faces and prepare to celebrate!
Here is the third reason the 40 DOP is not quite over. Pastor Kyle gave out 15 more books this past Sunday. Hopefully, that means we will have 15 more JIBC family and friends going through the Prayer Journal for the next 40 Days! It ain’t over until it is over.
I have so enjoyed our church family and friends going through this church wide study on the Power of God and the Power of Prayer. It has, indeed, drawn us closer to God individually and closer to our Connection Groups and friends. We have given out 400 Prayer journals and some of them are still being used! Amen and amen!
See you this Sunday for Celebration #1. Be thinking about how God has blessed you or how this 40 DOP has blessed you. Let’s give Him some glory.
Pastor Tom