Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Beautiful Families Dedicated to Our Heavenly Father!

This coming Sunday, June 23, we will celebrate one of our Parent/Child Celebration services. We get to thank God for these wonderful families and the new life given to them. What a blessing they are to our church family and to the Kingdom. Many of us are familiar with the story of Jesus laying hands on the children and blessing them. It is our sincere prayer that the same Spirit will be present as we dedicate these parents, these beautiful children and our church family to the awesome task of helping these children become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Several years ago, we started a practice of giving each family a jar full of legacy marbles. Each marble represents 1 week until that child reaches 18 years of age. There are 6 milestone marbles in addition to represent the major events of a child’s life. It is so wonderful when we, as a church family, can watch those very same children achieve these milestones!


Really, the Sunday Parent/Child Dedication Celebration is the “Kick-off” for this year Vacation Bible School “Breaker Rock Beach”. Please pray for children to come…led by His spirit, brought by parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends. The Gospel will be taught on many levels. Pray that hearts are receptive. Pray also for the strength and energy of our volunteers. After a full day, they have signed up for a full night! You have heard it takes a village to raise a child…it takes that same village to pull off a successful Vacation Bible School.

Thank you for being a church that gives so generously to make these two events happen. Your giving enables us to go all out and to do our very best. Many times, the baptisms that you see are directly related to the sacrificial gifts you make to Kingdom work. Thank you.

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom