Jesus gave us the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 that says “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.”
One of the reasons I love JIBC is because you are so willing to be outward focused. As a church family, we get wonderful opportunities to meet for Bible Study, fellowship and worship. Those are, in some ways, the easy parts of the Great Commission. The harder part is being outward focused…to ask the question “What about them?”
This past Sunday we commissioned two of our church family to “go and make disciples of all nations.” This time the nation happens to be Romania. Cheryl and Anne will be working in what we might refer to as a strong established church. That church iss outward focused and has started a new church reaching out to the Roma, a group we might know better as “gypsies”. Last year, we sent gifts to help purchase building materials to finish putting flooring in the building to be used as a place of worship for this Roma Church. We also sent funds to buy “house shoes” for 326 children; enough wood to burn for the winter and 20 chairs for the worship center. Now we send one of our greatest gifts, two of our church members, Cheryl and Anne.
On Sunday, August 18, we will commission two more JIBC leaders to go to Slovakia. Mark and Robin will be working in Slovakia with Ukrainians who left Ukraine and moved to new homes and new ministries. They will be teaching children…the next generation. That is two examples of “across the ocean” missions.
We also will be baptizing, as of today’s count, over 13 followers of Christ. That includes 5 adults, 6 children and perhaps 2 teenagers. This will be a beach baptism on Wednesday, August 7 at the Folly Beach County Park. There is usually a fee to enter. Mention that you are there for the baptism. Last year they let several in free. Baptism will be around 6:30 ish… This year, we saw several professions of faith during Children’s Camp, Youth Camp, Vacation Bible School and Sports Camp. I am so thankful to our Lord for the times He lets us see the fruit of our labor and prayers.
So, we commit to continue to take the Gospel across the street, across the river and across the ocean. Thank you for striving to fulfill the Great Commandment, for being an outward focused church family, for always asking…”What about them?”.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom