First, the blessing of Thanksgiving. Starting this Sunday I will be preaching a two-part teaching series on “Giving Thanks”. The goal is to lead us right up to the Thanksgiving Season with hearts and minds prepared to celebrate the goodness of God. Of all the spiritual disciplines that I could recommend, giving thanks and being thankful would be at the top of the list.
Second, on Sunday, November 24 we will be observing the Lord’s Supper together. Now, here is the catch. We will have only one service on November 24. The 9:00 Worship service will join the 11:00 service. The Lord’s Supper is sometimes referred to as Communion. What a great word. Communion with God, the Lord Jesus and His Holy Spirit. Communion with our forever family! It is a great word. Communion is based on the Greek word for fellowship. It will be one of the few times we all join together (koinonia-fellowship) in one service!
The third blessing is something we have not tried in a while. Out Kitchen Krew will be preparing and serving a special Thanksgiving Meal for our entire church family. There is no charge for this meal …just come and enjoy. The Kitchen Krew did ask that anyone who would feel so inclined might make and bring your favorite dessert! This Sunday will necessitate a little disruption for the two Bible Study Connection Groups that meet weekly in the Fellowship Hall and in the Genesis Class room. I think Jan Cooper’s class will meet upstairs in the Youth Room and the Genesis Class will meet in their room, but around the tables that are set up for the Sunday meal.
So, there you go, three blessings yours for the taking! I hope you will participate and be blessed by all three. Believe it or not, when we are finishing the Thanksgiving Meal on November 24, our “Christmas Elves Team” will be in fully engaged in decorating the worship center for the Advent Season! Don’t say it, don’t say it…sorry, I have to say it “IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!” I love this time of the year from the Fall Festival to the last Sunday of Advent.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom