Thursday, January 30, 2025

What is next?

What are the next things happening for our JIBC family? There are what I call the basic mission and ministry of the church. We will always be busy making disciples that make disciples that change our community and world. Our goal is to bring those who don’t know Him into FELLOWSHIP in His family; help them grow and SPIRITUALLY MATURE to be more like Jesus; help then FIND A PLACE OF SERVICE to help His Body, the church, grow; to help them be OUTWARD FOCUSED ALWAYS BEING ON MISSION; and TO WORSHIP HIM in our daily life and our weekly gathering! That will always be “What’s next!”

Part of “What is next?” is our seeking God’s will and timing about hosting a Ukrainian Church family. We are in prayerful talks about starting a Slavic Church family that would meet here at JIBC. This would be a church family focused on reaching any of the Russian Speaking groups in the Greater Charleston Area. We are currently doing our due diligence work. At this point, everything we think we need to know is checking out. A small group has already been worshipping with us for a month or so and a small group is already meeting in the Youth Room while we are meeting in the Worship Center. The next big step is a meeting between our leaders and their leaders and families. I would like for our leaders to hear their stories and be able to explore this possible mission. That will most likely happen around a meal and the Lord’s Supper. Some of the leaders from their “sending” church in Charlotte may be able to meet with us for this meeting. I think this is a good thing and looks exactly like what we have seen God do here n the past. More to come as news develops.

The third part of “What is next?” may refer to a couple of building related projects. We started the Kitchen Renovation a while back. All the equipment was bought, new paint and better shelving installed. Now, there is still some work to complete. Pastor Kyle will be assembling the team to make that happen. When that starts (and we have no starting date) it will require shutting the kitchen down for a week or two. We believe the changes will help our Kitchen Krew have a better place to do their culinary magic!

What’s next…that will keep us busy for a while. I just received a phone call from a friend of a different denomination asking if I knew of a contact in Western North Carolina that his church family could work with. Just happens that Charles and Judy Dillon, along with Chip, are in town for a few days. I love the way He works.

Pastor Tom

Friday, January 24, 2025

Necessary Endings

Necessary endings are a normal occurrence in our lives. Some things have to end to make room for the other things we want in our lives to happen. So is the case with our team member, David Martin Jr. From the first time we met David Jr we tried to hire him to be a part of our church staff. His preference then, as it is now, was to be on staff as a consultant. It may surprise you to know David Jr is not technically a member of our staff or a member of JIBC. That never changed the amount of love and respect we have for him or his level of commitment and love to us.

It is with a mix of gratitude and love that we announce David Martin Jr.'s departure from our Worship and Audio Visual Technical Team at James Island Baptist Church. I think David Jr. preferred the title “Creative Strategist.” David Jr’s last Sunday on the Worship Team will be January 26. He may continue on helping make the technical transition for a bit longer. David is stepping away to embark on the next chapter of his life with his wife, following their recent marriage.

David has been a cherished member of our team, both on and off the stage. His powerful voice has been a staple in our worship services, and his contributions to our technical production—whether behind the scenes in live streaming, sound, or technical projects—have been invaluable. Many of his efforts, though unseen by the congregation, were a crucial part of our worship experience. The countless hours he spent in preparation and execution were a true testament to his dedication and passion for serving God through the church.

We are grateful for all that David has given to our ministry, and though we will miss him, we understand that this is a positive step for him and his new life together with his wife. We celebrate what God has done through David’s service here and are excited for the future he’s stepping into. We will anticipate with faith what our Father has instore for JIBC as well. We are also thankful that David’s father, David Martin Sr., remains on staff as our main worship pastor, ensuring that our worship ministry continues to thrive.

Please join us in expressing our deep gratitude to David Jr. for his dedicated service. As he steps into this new season of life, we will be praying for God’s guidance, blessings, and provision in his journey with his wife. David, thank you for everything—your heart, your voice, and your commitment to our church. We pray that God continues to lead you both in all that lies ahead, and we trust He will use you in powerful ways. You will always have a home here, and we look forward to seeing the amazing things God has in store for you.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, January 16, 2025


What was Noah’s greatest fear? A pair of termites. Get the hint where this is going yet? I will try another: What do termites like on their toast? Window Jamb. OK, one more: What did the termite say to the JIBC stained glassed window? It was nice gnawing on you!

Ok, whether you put it together or not here is the scoop. A few weeks back we discovered one of the windows in the church worship center had termites.

We called the termite company and they came to inspect it. Thank you Jesus, it did seem limited to that one window and it did not look like the termites were active. So far, part of that last sentence seems to be true. It does seem limited to one window but they were still active. So, we have the right people on the job. They had to take down the entire window frame and remove the stain glass window completely from the window. Incredible what skilled people can do! We have one crew from Auburn AV installing sound treatment panels and one crew from Axis Construction (Wilson Walpole) taking care of the window. We are grateful for both teams skillfully doing their jobs. I am also thankful for our church being so blessed with generous givers that this can be taken care of without upsetting or straining the church budget. Many of us remember the days when that was not the case. Thank you Father, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. We will keep you in the loop as progress is being made.

I cannot say for sure, but I thought I heard the termites singing “Shall we gather by the window?” When I went closer to see what was going on, I saw a little cowboy termite. He said his name was Clint…Clint Eatswood. It was the last termite I talked to that really made me mad. I asked him what he was doing here. He said he first went to the Sports Bar across the street. He asked the termite next to him “Where is the bar tender?” The other termite said “No where here, you might find something at the Baptist Church across the street!” I do not want to hear them quoting Psalm 122:1.

Please, don’t hold it against me. It helps to laugh a little. And this is about as little as you are going to laugh.

Pastor Tom


Thursday, January 9, 2025

And just like that!

For me, the worst part of Christmas is when it is over. And just like that it was over. Our Orthodox friends get to stretch it out to January 6. I might end up adopting that tradition!

Remember the Advent season for us is the frame work we use to Focus our Worship on Our Heavenly Father and out Lord Jesus; it is the opportunity we have to give generously to our Mission Partners like Low Country Pregnancy, James Island Outreach, Helene Recovery and Lottie Moon International Missions offering; and third, it is an opportunity to celebrate! We sing great music, hear great stories, enjoy special meals, see friends and family, etc. To me Christmas is a great big birthday party celebrating the birth of our Savior.

This Christmas season you were so generous in your giving. You gave over 220 jars of jelly and over 120 bottles of pancake syrup! James Island Outreach has already come to pick that up and give it out! You gave a small mountain of diapers and baby wipes for the Lowcountry Pregnancy Center. These will make such a significant difference to those who receive them. You went over the top by giving just over $4000 worth of gift cards going to Western Carolina families. The Cowboy Church we worked with will be distributing these cards to families in need. You also gave a wonderfully generous gift to The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions supporting over 3, 500 full time missionaries around the world. As of this writing, the total amount given is $12,400. You supported missions across the street, across the state line and across the oceans! Yay God. And last but not least, the Christmas Eve offering was $4,375 that will also go to missions. We are trying to find out what it will cost to “upfit” the mini homes the Mennonites are building for Hurricane Helene victims in WNC. I think we will use this amount to help purchase a few heaters, a mini-refrigerators and cots! Our friend Charles Dillion is checking on that for us. (Btw, please pray for Judy dealing with a kidney issue. They are traveling to Alabama to meet with her doctors).

Well, just like that, Christmas 2024 is over. Already looking forward to Christmas 2025!

Love you all,

Pastor Tom