Thursday, January 30, 2025

What is next?

What are the next things happening for our JIBC family? There are what I call the basic mission and ministry of the church. We will always be busy making disciples that make disciples that change our community and world. Our goal is to bring those who don’t know Him into FELLOWSHIP in His family; help them grow and SPIRITUALLY MATURE to be more like Jesus; help then FIND A PLACE OF SERVICE to help His Body, the church, grow; to help them be OUTWARD FOCUSED ALWAYS BEING ON MISSION; and TO WORSHIP HIM in our daily life and our weekly gathering! That will always be “What’s next!”

Part of “What is next?” is our seeking God’s will and timing about hosting a Ukrainian Church family. We are in prayerful talks about starting a Slavic Church family that would meet here at JIBC. This would be a church family focused on reaching any of the Russian Speaking groups in the Greater Charleston Area. We are currently doing our due diligence work. At this point, everything we think we need to know is checking out. A small group has already been worshipping with us for a month or so and a small group is already meeting in the Youth Room while we are meeting in the Worship Center. The next big step is a meeting between our leaders and their leaders and families. I would like for our leaders to hear their stories and be able to explore this possible mission. That will most likely happen around a meal and the Lord’s Supper. Some of the leaders from their “sending” church in Charlotte may be able to meet with us for this meeting. I think this is a good thing and looks exactly like what we have seen God do here n the past. More to come as news develops.

The third part of “What is next?” may refer to a couple of building related projects. We started the Kitchen Renovation a while back. All the equipment was bought, new paint and better shelving installed. Now, there is still some work to complete. Pastor Kyle will be assembling the team to make that happen. When that starts (and we have no starting date) it will require shutting the kitchen down for a week or two. We believe the changes will help our Kitchen Krew have a better place to do their culinary magic!

What’s next…that will keep us busy for a while. I just received a phone call from a friend of a different denomination asking if I knew of a contact in Western North Carolina that his church family could work with. Just happens that Charles and Judy Dillon, along with Chip, are in town for a few days. I love the way He works.

Pastor Tom