Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  That is kind of a traditional way of greeting someone as we start a new year.  Really, I hope you have had a “Happy Old Year” and will continue with a “Happy New Year.”  I pray for your joy based on Christ as well as your happiness based on your circumstances.

The turning of the calendar is a great time for many people to renew efforts of starting over.  Don’t you wish you had a dollar for everyone who decided this is the year I will shed a few pounds or make a decision to start exercising?  I actually like picking a time to make new commitments or to renew former ones.  The New Year is a good time to start new and make renewed efforts at attaining goals in your life.  It is a logical time to say the past is behind me, today, this week, this month, and this year is a new year.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…so I can do this…whatever your “this” is.

Let me suggest some areas to consider as you make New Year commitments.  What will you do to deepen your faith with our Father and our Lord Jesus?  Maybe this is the year you read the Bible through or add a few minutes to your daily time with Him.  This year, above all else, I pray you will guard your heart.  The Father is working to make us more like the Son.  What will you do toward that end?

Second, what will you do this year to be salt and light in your neighborhood and community?  What do you see or think about that makes your heart burn with passion or concern?  It could be that is the area where you can shine the brightest.  I pray for all of us to find ways to join what God is doing outside of what we do here on Sunday mornings.  Every Bible study group and small group that I know of has a regular point of contact in the community.  They have places of darkness where they are taking the light of Jesus.  It can be done.  Don’t be timid about asking your group to consider taking on a project. (By the way, also don’t expect others to leave what they are passionate about to join your quest.  Get it, they are doing already. It is easy to feel like what we are doing is the most important.  It is not.  It is just one of a wonderful array of ministries).

Happy New Day!  Every day is new; His mercies are fresh, and each day is an opportunity to “begin again.”  So make a commitment, try again, and aim for the stars.  You will do more than if you didn’t try.

Happy New Day!  Whether it is January 1 or some other day He has created.  May He continue to do a new work in your life and in the community where you live.
Pastor Tom

Monday, December 17, 2012



Over the years, the church has owned a small apartment that is a part of the Ministry Center next door.  The little building, adjacent to the main building, houses Barry’s little café, the café where Luz Y Verdad meets, the Relson Gracie Charleston Jiu Jitsu Academy, next the small apartment, and finally the small food bank operated by Luz Y Verdad.  It has been a wonderfully multi functional building through the years.

In the past, the small apartment has been home for several of our members who had special needs.  Some will remember Bobby Jasch and Viola Skipper.  Other times we have rented it to members in need.  It has been vacant for a little while now.  We have just recently had a person there who had no place to live.  It provided a temporary shelter.

Now here is the deal.  It is a very small “efficiency apartment” that is in terrible shape.  We are currently in the process of emptying everything out of it.  It has a collection of junk from years of a variety of tenants.  Most of it will be given to the Kidney Foundation.  Once emptied, we will have it cleaned and sanitized.  Perhaps some minor repairs and adjustments.

We will most likely rent it out one day.  But for the short term future, there seems to be a need for emergency shelter.  I am hoping we might be able to lightly furnish the apartment for such needs.  It is a small efficiency apartment, so there is no room for big furniture.  If you think you might have something to donate, please call the church office at 762-0244.  Neale will help you make the arrangements.

We will not be doing a major overhaul on the apartment, but we will be doing some minor repairs.  If you would be interested in donating some labor, we would be glad to have you on board.


This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of advent, and then we celebrate Christmas Eve together.  I am so looking forward to this festive service of Carols, Communion, and Candlelight.  I am also looking forward to a wonderful time of worship and celebration of our Heavenly Father’s great love and the advent/coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we do not see you then, Janie and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

Pastor Tom

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Caroling, Wednesday, December 19

Each year we join together on one of the Wednesdays in December.  We go out into the community, usually three different groups, and sing Christmas carols.  It is always a lot of fun.

This year, we are going to try something just a little different.  We are all going to go to the same place this year.  We are going to the Harvest Health and Rehab Center, Maybank Highway on Johns Island.

Here are the plans as we have them now.  The date for the Caroling is Wednesday, December 19.  Come to the fellowship hall as the gathering place.  We will TRY to leave the church campus at 5:45.  I know some may not be able to make it at that departure time.  You can still come on straight to Harvest Health and Rehab.  We will be there from 6 to 7.  Even if you come late, you will still have a lot of time to enjoy.  It will be our only stop.  Then we will gather back at the church to eat.

Now, here is the reason for the change.  There are approximately 1.4 million people living in Nursing Home facilities.  Nursing homes are in great need of having people come and visit.  The problem is if we arrive at 7, many of them are already medicated and put to bed.  Harvest has welcomed us to come and this will be right after the residents have eaten.  So they will still be awake and ready for a “dinner show.”  We are trying to find out how many residents there are and what small items we might could take them as a small Christmas gift.

Imagine, you live in a nursing home facility, your family lives away and/or cannot visit you regularly.  Here comes a group of 30 children and about that many adults.  There is singing, greetings, beautiful music…ok, fun music, and lots of love.  It is taking LIGHT into the dark places of the community.

I will drive the bus for our children and adults…up to 39 of them.  We can use volunteers to drive and help with transportation.  Dave and Fred will be going, so we will have good music to help us sing.  We will have Christmas songs books, the Good Book, and lots of “Santa Hats.”  It will be fun.  No doubt, it will be meaningful and touch someone’s life deeply.

Ho, Ho, Ho, Hosanna!
Pastor Tom

Monday, November 19, 2012


Our family will gather Thursday for Thanksgiving.  I love it!  It will be a wonderful, chaotic, noisy gathering where we laugh, enjoy each other’s company, and enjoy wonderfully prepared food.  Maybe we will watch a football game or two.  Certainly, there will be a small football game in the front yard.  What is not to love?

But then comes Friday.  Not black Friday.  I am talking happy, happy, happy Friday.  I’m talking “Noah, granddad, and grandma” Friday.  The Christmas tree goes up, and the Brown’s home gets ready for the Christmas season.  Noah and I, for several years, have taken on the task of decorating the Christmas tree.  I tell Noah about the many ornaments given to us by friends and family over the years.  We hang the hand-made crochet candles Mrs. Ruth Salley made for us when she was 100 years old.  I show him the ornaments celebrating his mother’s birth into our family.   I tell him about family members no longer with us.  Of course, we hang the ornaments from Disney World!  We relive the trips that we made together.  And then, when it is all said and done, we wait for that moment when no one is around.  We both hang a “Christ nail” on the back of the tree.  It is out of view, but it is there.  It is a reminder of the reason for the season.  Once the tree is decorated, we put the train track around the tree and grandma comes and sets up the village.  Grandma does the pretty touches and gets things ready, then Noah and I will arrange the Nativity scenes.  Really, there is an easier way to do all this, but I do not know of a better way.

We take the same loving approach with our church family.  Our team will have the church decorated for the first Sunday of Advent.  What a wonderful job they do.  Like so many of our teams, they work behind the scenes, then beginning December 2, we will focus our worship services on the coming of Christ…The Advent.  We will use candles to symbolize that Jesus is the Light of the world.  Scriptures will be read reminding us of part of the greatest story ever told.  We will do our best to help call our attention to the reason for the season.

Let this Advent season enrich your Christmas celebration.  Refuse to become a Grinch.  Go ahead and say it…   “Joy to the World the Lord is come!”  Now sing it.  Go ahead.  Sing it.  I don’t care if I go shopping or not on Friday.  What I do know is this…good Lord willing, I will be making memories with my family and teaching the joy of the Christmas season.

Happy Thanksgiving…and I can’t wait to say “Merry Christmas!”
Pastor Tom

Friday, November 9, 2012

On Celebrating Advent…or one of my favorite puns: “Advent is Coming”

I have made a commitment to not skip Thanksgiving. Even though many stores already have Christmas decorations up, I will try my best to focus on giving thanks.  I do not want to skip right over Thanksgiving.  Now, come the Friday after Thanksgiving… “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”  It’s on.

I have already started planning this year’s “Advent Celebration.”  Don’t let naysayers or anyone else rob you of this meaningful time of worship.  While some Baptist did not grow up observing the Advent season, we have made some of its rich traditions ours.  The word “advent” comes from the Latin word “adventus.”  It means arrival or coming.  In this case, it refers to the arrival and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Advent begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas day.  This year that will be December 2.

In a season of rush and an often embarrassing commercialization of Christmas, what a great idea to have moments of reflection.  The Advent season is a call to Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.  It is our privilege to call our church family and friends to remember the true meaning of the coming of Christ. What a wonderful opportunity to worship and to teach the greatest story ever told.  We use Advent to teach the Word of God and the Mission of God; to help families find balance in a hectic season; to encourage giving to the poor and to others with a generous and thankful heart.  The Light of the World came…it is worthy of celebrating with the Word, with candles, with prayers, with gifts, and with whatever Christmas trappings can help us celebrate His advent.

Our family joyfully celebrates the Christmas season.  We build our celebration on the traditions of Christmas from the Word of God, from believers through the centuries as well as our own family traditions.  We have created some traditions built on the personal joy of what God has done for us in sending his Son as our Savior.  It has led us to give to others because God gave to us.  We sing and listen to great Christmas music because our hearts are filled with joy.  We light Christmas Lights celebrating Jesus as the Light of the World.

As the Under-Shepherd of this church family, I will lead you to do the same.  A friend of mine told me that we should not use pink candles in the advent service.  His reasoning was that over a thousand years ago, some pope used a pink candle in some insidious way.  My response…we will not let that pope light our candle!  Pink was God’s color long before it was the color of choice of some misguided person.  Don’t get distracted by those who take joy on raining on your Christmas parade.  March on; stay faithful to God’s Word; give thanks and be joyful; give to those in need…but don’t forget Thanksgiving!

See you Sunday, Lord willing!
Pastor Tom

Monday, November 5, 2012

Only Two Sundays Away

One of the most joyful services of the year is our annual Thanksgiving Worship Celebration.  It takes place on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 18th.  There are many reasons this is a Sunday of Thanksgiving.  I hope each one of them leads you to express gratitude and deep appreciation for all God has done for us.

First, there is only one worship service on Sunday, November 18th.  We will all combine for a united day of thanksgiving.  The 8:30am group and the Chinese Fellowship will join us at the 11am service.  This is one of the few times during the year that we combine our worship services.  The Chinese Church is planning to sing two songs during the service.  This is always a favorite.

Second, we will celebrate the two ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  If you are waiting for baptism or are interested, please call the church office at #762-0244.  It is always a moving part of worship to welcome new believers and new members into the family of God here at James Island Baptist.  We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper as Eucharist…thanksgiving.  Reflect on what God has done for us in sending His only begotten Son.  Remember the ultimate love Jesus showed in being obedient even to the point of death on a cross.  Hallelujah, what a Savior.

Third, we will have the recognition of all new members since last Thanksgiving.  One of the blessings we are most thankful for are the new members God has brought into our church family.  If you have joined JIBC, one of our connection groups, Sunday School,...etc, we would like to welcome you and give God thanks and glory.  Janie and I, after the Celebration of Communion, will invite all of our new members to come and join us.  We will have a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.  It really can be a moving moment to see how the Lord has blessed.

Fourth, we will have a church wide Thanksgiving Meal.  Our fabulous Kitchen Krew is preparing food for the entire church family.  It is not necessary for you to bring anything.  If you would like to, why not bring a dessert or one of your favorite dishes.  Just take it back to the Fellowship Hall, and they will put it out for everyone to enjoy.  Trust me; it will be a feast and great fellowship.

Last, if you have any strength left, the annual James Island Community Thanksgiving Service.  This year, the service will be hosted at St. James Presbyterian Church located at 1314 Seccessionville Road.  You are invited to bring a canned goods and a financial offering for the James Island Outreach.  This is always a great gathering of the family of God here on James Island.

Give thanks; this is the will of God for your life!  See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 29, 2012

Update on Celebrate Recovery

“Anyone can curse the darkness…let’s be the ones who light a candle.”  That is especially true when we are followers of Jesus, the Light of the world.  I am thankful to God for the JIBC family that supports two outstanding ministries fighting for freedom for those struggling with addictions.  We have two very intensive, very focused ministries aimed at helping men and women experience freedom in Christ.

The first one is Celebrate Recovery:  a Christ centered 12 Step program.  It is recovery ministry using the 12 Steps and the 8 Principles found in the Beatitudes.  There is no mistaking that Jesus Christ is The Higher Power.  When we read the 12 Steps we also share their biblical basis.  For Bill W., the “founder” of AA, there was no question about the 12 Steps being based on the Bible and that the Higher Power was Jesus Christ.  We are gratefully continuing his inspired approach.  A typical meeting goes like this:  gather for a shared meal at 6:00; brief worship set at 6:30; we use the chip system to mark time and celebrate; we read the 12 steps and/or the 8 Principles from the Beatitudes; we have a lesson on one of the steps; then we divide into men and women’s groups.  The entire program is over at 8 p.m.

By the way, did you know that The Charleston Crab House, Kickin’ Chicken, and the Stono Café each graciously provide a meal one Sunday out of the month?  Please tell John, David, and Barry thanks when you see them.  Then our team cooks or provides pizza on the fourth Sunday.  What a blessing!  We have a strong team leading this ministry.  I am pleased when I can participate with them.  Just a reminder that we all are recovering from something.  It is not just about alcohol and drugs.  It is about codependency, bad choices, traumatic experiences, abuses of all kinds, eating disorders, etc.  This past Sunday night we had 35 in attendance;  about half from the Charleston Center and half from our church and community.

The second mission outreach is the Transition House: The 180 Ministry.  It took so long for us to get this off the ground.  Marsha Cline came in as the administrator and got the ball rolling and served as the first “house mother.”  When she returned to Indianapolis, she had a stroke.  She is doing better and still needs our prayers.  The Transition House was in such good shape and order, that we tried a new approach.  We now have two residents, and two itty bitty babies, living there.  We are getting ready for our third resident.  These are women who, primarily, come to us through the Charleston Center.  We did make an exception for one of the ladies who was in need when the house was empty.  There is only one other ministry like this in the Charleston area that we know.  The Ruth House just opened.  It is a ministry of The Mount Moriah Church in North Charleston.  So we have a sister ministry to compare notes.  Thank you Jesus!

And thank you JIBC for being a church family willing to take on the giants.  Anyone can curse the darkness…you chose to light a candle of hope that they might find Jesus.

Pastor Tom

Friday, October 26, 2012

I almost made it!

             You know I love my calling, my job, our church family and Charleston.  I feel extremely honored to have the privilege of teaching God’s Word, leading this family.   Even so, there are times, just like with anyone, my emotions can get overwhelmed.
                 A week or so ago, our daughter Erin and Trey, announced they were expecting.  They announced early knowing the need for prayer.  They have already lost two babies in the second trimester.  Pretty sure they had this one figured out, they joyfully announced and immediately asked family and friends for prayer.  They were wonderfully overwhelmed with support.
Last Friday something happened and they lost the baby.   The same day Erin was in the hospital, Janie and Brook were hosting a baby shower for a friend who was expecting.  In the grace of God, it reminds us:“He gives and takes away, blessed be the Name of the Lord”.  It is the ebb and flow of life.  Joyful thanksgiving followed by trusting and mourning.
Here is the reality:  life goes on, duties are carried out, ministry and missions continue, healing begins, faith is stretched and grows.  I preached Saturday night for Edgewood Baptist Church in Walterboro.  It was their homecoming weekend.  It was good to visit the place we started our ministry 37 years ago.  Then we had our Sunday services and responsibilities.  It made for a long, emotion filled weekend.
I thought I could make it…keep a stiff upper lip, press through and deal with the emotions later.  Janie and I planned to take a motorcycle ride and spend time over a cup of Starbucks.  I didn’t quite make it.   Sunday morning was a tough time for me emotionally.  Thankfully, our church family is a safe place to grieve and hurt.  It is a place of comfort and hope.  There is a ready line of brothers and sisters willing to give a hug, say a prayer and share a tear.  Put a wounded heart that is mourning in that setting and God will bring comfort.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  We do believe Romans 8:28.  We absolutely believe God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  And I do believe “blessed are those who mourn, they will be comforted.”  Our family loves you and thanks you for your love and prayers.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 15, 2012

Class 101: Discovering Membership at James Island Baptist Church

Last Sunday night, I taught another Class 101: Discovering Membership at James Island Baptist Church.  We had 17 sign up and 17 show up.  It was a great night with a wonderful and varied group of people.  We have people attending from sister churches, from different denominations, different ages and stations in life, differing degrees of spiritual maturity and faith.   It is a wonderful opportunity for me to have “face time” with those I usually only say hello to in passing.  I love the wonderful variety God brings to our church family.  It is a beautiful box of crayons!

Last night, we had 17 people who allowed me to share their entire afternoon and part of their evening.  In case it has been a while, let me remind you what we cover.  First, we go over God’s plan of salvation.  We give every member an opportunity to hear me present a clear and simple plan of how to receive Christ as Savior and Lord.  We then go over the meaning of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  Second, we review what God’s Word says about the 5 purposes of the church.  We exist to join in the mission of God by being a church that brings people into the family of God, helps them become more like Jesus, involves them in service to the family of God, equips them to live on mission and to honor God with a life of worship.  Third, we cover how we operate as a church family.  In some ways, I love this part the best.  It is what keeps us on focus and allows us to rise above selfishness and self-centeredness.  We cover why we do what we do.

So far, of this group of 17, we had 8 that joined.  Others may join at a later date. Welcome to our church family:  Tonya Broome, Wayne and Kathy Clark, Sherl Gaskins, Paul and Melinda Norris, and Fred and Frances Pooser.  We welcome you all to the family of God known as James Island Baptist, The Church at Riverland Terrace. We welcome you to become fully devoted followers of Christ seeking to love Him and serve others.

I love being a part of His work.  See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, September 24, 2012

Got Discipleship?

That was this past Sunday’s sermon title from Mark 8: 27-38.  If we asked the average person on the street “What it means to be a Christian?”, what do you think their response would be?  Now, ask the same question using a different word:  “What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ?”  See the difference?  I agree there should not be a difference, but I think there would be.  Remember that words have usages, not meaning.  The way the term “Christian” is used today is often at odds with what it means to be a Christian.  But what does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ?  That seems to have held its meaning through the ages.

We spent some time on what it does not mean.  It does not mean “just” believing.  I think we have come short if all we ask people to do is to “believe”…as though being a disciple of Jesus was an intellectual exercise.  After all, even the demons and the devil  believe but are not followers of Jesus.  It is also not enough to be “religious.”  The tricky thing about being religious is you can have the right “form and look” but still miss the goal.  You can be religious on the outside and be a heathen on the inside.  Religion is part of what we need to be saved from.  It is possible to be very religious and be twice as fit for hell!  And certainly we do not believe that being “Baptist” automatically makes you a Christian.  Oh, that it were true, that anyone who claimed the name of Christ and happened to be Baptist was totally sold out to be a follower of the Lamb.

Jesus summed it up pretty neatly…not easy, but certainly very clearly.  If anyone would follow me he must do this:  deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.  It is counter intuitive and even counter culture to deny yourself.  Dethroning yourself, your ego is perhaps the hardest thing you will ever do.  We are wired up by our old sin nature to preserve, protect, and look out for #1.  Jesus calls his followers to a new style of life.  Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  That requires a change…who sits on the throne, who is in control, who are you following?

Got discipleship?  Yes, I think you do!
Pastor Tom

Monday, September 17, 2012

South Carolina State Missions/Transition House Offering

In the past, our church family participated in the Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions.  We usually have a week of prayer and a study of some sort.  This year our Women on Mission did a study, and I did a presentation a couple of Wednesdays ago.  This Sunday we will put the State Mission Offering  envelopes in the back of the pews.  One little change:  the offering will be divided between the Janie Chapman State Missions Offering and the Transition House.

Here is the status of the Transition House.  We currently have one resident there now.  We were able to help a young lady in a bad situation get into a safe one.  We are currently waiting on our second resident…or should I say “second, third and fourth?”  The next lady coming in is from the Charleston Rehab Center.    This lady has brand new twins, just one month old, a boy and a girl.   As will be the norm, our residents that come out of the Charleston Center are usually away from their home…a good thing.  But that means they do not have a support system here.  They start from scratch on finding a job, day care, or whatever they need.  We are their support system.

How does the offering help?  The residents are required to pay some minimal amount to help maintain the Transition House.  The offering will help cover the times when they do not have, but are looking for,  a paying job.  Even when we are “sponsoring” them, they will be volunteering in the community.  As we say, if you don’t have a job, working on your sobriety and sanity is your job.  So, half of the offering given during the State Missions Offering season will go to The Janie Chapman State Missions Offering and half will go to the Transition House.  It will provide major relief to these ladies.

Let me anticipate a question: why not just have two separate offerings?  If you have been a Southern Baptist very long you probably know my reasoning.  Every year we are asked to have special offerings for Lottie Moon-International Missions; Annie Armstrong North American Missions; Janie Chapman State Missions; Associational Missions; World Hunger in October; Connnie Maxwell Children’s Home; SC Home for the Aged Mothers Day; add things like Disaster Relief Offerings, our own folks raising funds,  Friends of Bonnie Doone, Low Country Crisis Pregnancy, James Island Outreach, Operation Christmas Child, etc, etc.  As you can see, it is possible to have a “special” offering every month of the year.  So, on this one, we are combining.  After all, if you want to see missions in the trenches, join us in the work at the Transition House.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing…
Pastor Tom

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Strangest Places, The Strangest Faces and Unusual Graces

This past Sunday I taught on the Mark 7:24-30 passage.  We have been going through the Gospel of Mark on Sunday mornings.  I have found it to be an action packed view of Jesus’ mission, his life, and ministry.  The “Big Idea” of the message is simple:  Jesus’ followers do what Jesus did.  So in this story what would that include?

Jesus intentionally went into the “strangest places.”  In this case Tyre, ground zero for the history of the Baal worship, home area of Jezebel, an area representing spiritual darkness.  Seems like the kind of place that any self respecting religious person would try to avoid.  Exactly!  Religious people, those interested in maintaining the “organized” religion, do avoid such places.  After all, those “strange place” also have some “strange faces”…some of those folks don’t look exactly like us.

Yet, Jesus intentionally went to this strange place, served a woman with a “different kind of face” and did indeed offer God’s unusual grace…He cast the demon out of her.  Now, back to the “Big Idea.”  Followers of Jesus do what Jesus did…they go to strange places, serve different faces, and offer God’s unusual graces.

That is one of the many things I love about the James Island Baptist family.  You can find our members in some of the strangest places: South Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, New Orleans, down town women’s shelters, low performing schools,  Albania, Romania, Ukraine, Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers, working with inner city relief agencies…some of the strangest places filled with spiritual darkness and despair.  And right there in the middle of the strangest places, you can find our church members serving the strangest faces and offering God’s unusual life changing graces.
To what “strange place” of spiritual darkness and despair will you intentionally go to make Jesus known?  Don’t be afraid.   There is no hole so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.  Don’t be afraid of failing.  Be afraid of not trying.  Even if you light a little match in a place of darkness, the Light can make a difference.   Having trouble finding a place to go?  Let us know, we can give you some options or put you with groups already serving.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing!
Pastor Tom

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pastor Brent called to Baltimore to plant a new church

This is my definition of “bitter-sweet”.  Brent and his family have been a wonderful addition to our church family and community.  I love him and have appreciated his work with us over the past years.  So, I will miss his friendship and what he brings to the mission and ministry here at JIBC.  At the same time, I rejoice, kind of in the same way a parent rejoices, when their child goes off to college or gets their first full time job.  I thank God for Brent’s desire to plant a new church.  He is really at ground zero with what our North American Mission Board is doing.
When Brent told me of his decision, I immediately started making calls to help connect him with the North American Mission Board.  He really did not know much, if anything, about what Southern Baptist were doing in the way of starting new churches.  Now, by God’s good grace and the generous giving of Southern Baptist, Brent and his family may be partially supported by the North American Mission Board.  To God be the glory.  

So now, what will we do?
As soon as Brent told me of his desire, the first thing I did was to start working on his behalf to help connect him to the people who are the best at starting churches, the North American Mission Board.  The very next thing I did was to start the process of praying for the next person to come on board with us at JIBC to work with our students.  Even though we DO NOT KNOW an exact date Brent will leave, we started the search process believing it will be sooner rather than later.  At first, Brent believed it would be a year or more.  I felt it could be by the end of the summer.  It may be as early as mid September, but we still really do not know.

What I do know is we have already started receiving resumes and doing interviews.  It is not like we are just filling a job.  We are looking for a family member, a ministry partner, a fit for the church and a missionary to the community.  In the same way I feel sure God is leading Brent and his family, I feel God will lead the JIBC family.

We are meeting with the Elders and Finance Team Leadership to find ways we can help Brent and his family make this transition. They have served faithfully. We are allowing Brent to spend the necessary time preparing for the new job while continuing to serve here at JIBC.  It is Kingdom work, whether it is here or in Baltimore.  I know for sure, I expect Brent to serve faithfully wherever He serves.  He is a Kingdom servant.  I will miss him and his friendship.

See you this Sunday, Good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, July 30, 2012


There are times in our stages of life when we need extra help.  Sometimes the help is for us as we age, and sometimes it is for a loved one.  James Island Baptist is hosting a seminar called “Aging in Place” that addresses issues and answers many of the questions we have about “aging in place” or how to best help loved ones “age in place.”

Today my goal is just to alert you that the AGING IN PLACE SEMINAR is scheduled for THURSDAY, AUGUST 23.  It will include a free catered lunch, so it will be a “sign up” or RSVP event.  I have never been to one of these events, but my wife, Janie, has been to three of them. (She wants to make sure I learn how to age in place gracefully!)  She assures me that the kind of information we will receive is the kind of information families desperately need.

So how can you lose?  It is a free lunch, with experienced speakers from 4 or 5 different agencies, from 11:30-1:00 on Thursday, August 23.  I will be there, signed up, and ready to learn.  There will be representatives from Hospice, the Reverse Mortgage Companies, pre-need funeral information, veterans info, and others.

Really, I would not offer to host such an event if I did not see the need.  Many times I have watched families struggle with the need for information that this seminar will provide.  Today, I am encouraging you to put the date on your calendar, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 11:30-1:00.  We will give you more information as the day draws closer.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, July 23, 2012


Rhodes will be sharing during the Missions and Ministry Moment this Sunday.  He will also host a meeting Sunday afternoon for those interested in learning more about what they do.   Good to see our old friends again.

OK, how about all shoppers?  James Island Baptist Church works with the other churches and civic organizations to support James Island Outreach.  We have groups of volunteers who go to help stock as well as lead in the ministry.  We have become the  “jelly” provider for the pantry.  You can bring any kind of non-perishable canned good, but we particularly are supplying jelly for the James Island Outreach.  When it is all said and done, the outreach needs at least 80 jars of jelly each month to make sure each family served gets a jar in their bags of groceries.   So, as you are shopping, keep an eye out for sales, bogo, coupons, etc.  Just bring your donations to worship and set them by the office door.  We will take it from there.  By the way, would you like to volunteer to help in this ministry?  Let us know, we will help you get connected or get you the names of those who volunteer so you can learn more.

This end of the summer evening will be quite the enjoyable event.  We have several things happening all in one night.
First, we will share a covered dish meal from 6:00-6:45.  Just bring, buy or send your favorite dish.  What is brought is what we will serve.  Second, we will see and participate in “Set One Free:  World Crafts Ministry” from 6:45-7:15.  Consider buying “Christmas” gifts in August that will help set someone free from poverty, slavery or prostitution.  We will have some items available to see, but we will have catalogs for you to order from.  Giving with a godly purpose…gotta love it.  Third, we will end the night with our Quarterly Ministry Conference from 7:15-7:45.  This will be a brief time of sharing, worship, questions and answers.  A night packed with meaning that can make a difference.

The tragedy in Colorado is beyond our understanding.  What a tragedy to hit any community anywhere, any time.  But Colorado has had several horrible events.  Let the news serve as an immediate reminder to pray for the victims, their families, the first responders, the medical professionals, the local government leaders, etc.  may our Gracious Heavenly Father have mercy and may all involved be supported by His everlasting love and compassion.  May the Prince of Peace protect their hearts and minds and grant them strength beyond their own.

Lord willing, see you this Sunday as we continue our teaching series from the Gospel of Mark.  This week we will be looking at Mark 6:30-44, the Feeding of the 5,000.  How do you trust God for a miracle?
Pastor Tom

Monday, July 9, 2012

65th Church Anniversary

65th Church Anniversary
This Sunday, July 15 is the celebration of our JIBC anniversary.  Usually, it is on the second Sunday of July.  Following so closely after VBS, we decided to back it up one week to give everyone a breather.

As it turns out, it looks like the weather might be a little bit better this Sunday.  The weather channel has a 40% chance of rain for Sunday.  Which, by the way, sounds like a 60% chance of no rain.  Either way, we will have the anniversary. Sunshine, we will be outside.  If it rains, the party moves inside.

 I have received several questions about the game commonly known as “corn hole.”  Most of you know what it is, you just did not know the name.  It is a very popular game played with opposing players trying to toss a small bag into the hole on the game board.  If you have never seen it or heard of it, trust me, it is very popular and is played almost everywhere…the beach, homes, even restaurants have games set up.  Don’t be afraid to try it.  It is a game where skill helps, but luck is king!

You know it.  Our great kitchen team has volunteered to cook out for everyone.  They ask that you consider bringing a dessert.  Your Pastor asks that you remember mac-n-cheese can be counted as a dessert!  Bring some cold watermelon, peaches, something grown from your garden, or bought from Walter at Bi-Lo.  It will be delicious and fun.

Remember we will combine our worship services and just have one service at 11:00.  We will celebrate Lord’s Supper and Baptism (if our candidates are ready).  We will have some of our historical pictures out for you to enjoy.  The Sunday Connection Classes/Bible Study will carry on as usual, no change there.  All in all, it is shaping up to be a great celebration. 

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, July 2, 2012

Vacation Bible School & JIBC 65th Anniversary

Vacation Bible School
It was a wonderful event.  It was a week long celebration of learning God’s Word, singing great songs, playing fun games, and enjoying good food.  I want to thank our 70 volunteers who helped make this a great Bible School.  Those who cooked, cleaned, recorded, greeted, taught, caught, decorated, undecorated…you all did a fantastic job.  Well done.  By the way, did you hear?  We had 202 enrolled in this year’s VBS, including the 70 volunteers: a great adult to child ratio.  This year’s offering topped $1,866.00…certainly a record for the 27 years I have been here.  This years offering will go to help Andy Petit and his family make some adjustments to their home as Andy returns from the Shepherds Center in Atlanta.  Andy was involved in a horrific car accident that has left him in a wheel chair.  We are still praying and hoping for his absolute best recovery.  Until then, we hope this year’s VBS offering of love will in some way make a positive difference for him.  I also want to say thanks to the Adult VBS class.  Not only did they study the Word together, they also decorated small pots with tiles and put beautiful flowers in them.  Then they delivered them to the nursing home on Johns Island along with smiles and hugs for all the residents.  You guys are the best.

JIBC 65th Anniversary
We moved the church anniversary back one week to give us a little breather from the week long VBS.  (My hats off to you who use to do two week VBS!)  So, the anniversary Sunday will be July 15.  We will combine our services.  That means Bible Study/Sunday School at the regular time, your usual class in your normal place.  But, we will have only one worship service at 11:00.  We are planning to observe the Lord’s Supper, baptisms, and a church wide picnic afterwards.  Our kitchen crew is fixing enough for everyone.  You are asked to bring a dessert or a favorite picnic dish.  My opinion, you can never have too much macaroni or watermelon.  Just sayin’.

Good Lord willing, see you this Sunday.  The message will come from Mark 6:7-13.

Pastor Tom

Monday, June 25, 2012

I love being the pastor here at J.I.B.C!

Thanks to all the Adult Bible Study Classes
Sometimes an idea just works out better than you could have possibly planned.  So it was this past Sunday with Retired Major General John Grinalds.  I have always loved and appreciated the Gideon Bible ministry.  Frankly, some of their speakers have been less than stellar.  In this case, we were treated to the best of the best.  Our speaker kept his obligation to speak in the worship service about the Gideon Bible ministry and how we could help.  But he was gracious enough to give us an hour during the Sunday Bible Study time to share his life story.  Wow.  The fellowship hall was packed, and he kept our attention.  What a distinguished life and career.  And he gives God the glory and shares a clear and compelling message of Jesus.

We have a Gideon Memorial display for anyone who, in the future, would like to give a gift in honor of a loved one.  It is certainly a great way to make a difference. My thanks to all the Adult Bible Study teachers for inviting their class to hear Major General Grinalds.

And now, on to VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL   About the time you receive this copy of the Messenger, our VBS Volunteers will be in need of prayers for extra energy.  After a long day at work, they will come and work for 4 more hours each night.  The end result, the Word of God will go, and it will make a difference.  Some will fall on tender hearts ready to receive it, and we will see young lives changed.  Your prayers, your gifts, your support will all be worth it.  God bless you richly for the sacrifice you and your families make this week.

Celebrate Recovery  By the way, I wish you could have been with me to hear the young lady, 19 years old, express her desire to turn her life over to the Lord and follow Him in baptism. Imagine, going from the darkness of a life of substance addiction to one of following our Lord and being a part of His family.  Thank you for giving so generously, for allowing us to reach out in unusual and unique ways to reach and to rescue.  I love being the pastor here at J.I.B.C!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, June 18, 2012


I think you would agree with me that we are honored when we have guest visit with us at James Island Baptist.  They could go to any church or be any other place, yet they choose to join us in the Lord’s House, on the Lord’s Day to worship.  I am thankful for the attitude that we almost always have when guest arrive.  For the most part, I think guest are welcomed and spoken to with genuine warmth.  Now there is the occasional visitor that somehow slips through the welcome time and unfortunately, does not get our customary warm welcome.  But generally speaking, I think our church family does a good job.  Just about every card that our guests send back comments on our friendly church family.  Let’s take it up a notch and let them know we are not just friendly, we are willing to be friends.

Here are a couple of things you can do to make guest feel welcomed and loved:
1. Take the initiative and go to the guest.  Look for the people just standing there.  That might be a clue they are guest.  We are blessed with so many new faces, I know you are not sure who is a member, regular attendee, or a first time guest.  Cover all the bases, greet them all!
2. Give them your name and offer to introduce them to one of the pastors, a fellow member, or someone that looks close to their age. Careful…err on the side of they all look young!
3. Ask if they found everything ok.  They might not know the way to the nursery or children’s church.  Offer to show them the way instead of just telling them.

Remember, after the 11:00 service, Pastor Dave has a team in the atrium that would love to meet our guest and give them a gift from our church family. 

SPEAKING OF GUEST.  This Sunday at the 11:00 worship service we will have Major General John Grinalds (Retired), former 18th President of The Citadel.  He has had a distinguished and honorable career serving our Father in Heaven as well as the United States of America.  He will speak a brief word about the Gideon Bible Ministry and lead in our offertory prayer.  It will be our honor to welcome him to JIBC.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing…
Pastor Tom

Sermon Passage for Sunday, June 24: Mark 5:21-24, 35-43

Monday, June 11, 2012


This past Sunday, for me, was one of the best.  There were a lot of elements that the Lord blessed to make it a wonderfully, holy day of worship.  The worship songs had a strong message and were sung with passion; I felt the message was spot on for the journey of so many; Rose Haselden’s testimony of healing was wonderful; the parent child dedication of Kendall and her family speaks of such potential and growth; Cheryl and Heather are in Romania; we had a wonderful time in the Class 101 membership class; and we had a great group of guest that could not have picked a better Sunday to visit at JIBC.  I know it can get better.  But to quote my old friend James Taylor, “How sweet it is to be loved by You”.  Thank you, Jesus.

As you pray, remember the Love God-Serve Charleston effort of several area youth groups loving and serving Him.  Pray for the final preparations being made for this year’s Vacation Bible School.  Remember Cheryl and Heather as they finish strong and start their journey home.  Pray for those with whom you are in relationship, as you invite them to join you in worship or small group.  Remember the 9 small groups and the ongoing Bible Study Classes that do life together.  Pray for those who have lost loved ones and are still working through the grieving process.

We are blessed, so blessed.  I pray you will love Him deeply, walk with Him in obedience, and let your light shine where He sends you. 

Good Lord willing, I will see you when we gather this Sunday.
Pastor Tom

Monday, June 4, 2012


In John 5:17, our Lord said, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working.”  I believe that.  God is always at work redeeming a lost and broken world.  It is the mission of God, and He desires to have His people  join Him.  It is easy to say and understand that “the Church has a mission.”  It is much more accurate but harder to understand, to say “God has a mission and needs a church to do it.”

Either way, I love the idea of seeing our Father’s work.  We have Cheryl Parish and Heather Lindsey going to Romania this week.  Mark Livengood is going to Ukraine soon. By the way, this trip is open, and if you ever wanted to go on a trip, this one is a great entry level international trip. They are joining Him in reaching the nations.

But you do not have to go internationally to see how JIBC is joining with our Father’s work.  The Youth will be involved in “Love God-Serve Charleston” next week.  Several area church’s youth groups will join forces to join in God’s mission here at home.   Take a deep breath and we will begin Vacation Bible School.  You have heard it said correctly that more children accept Christ as their Savior during VBS than during any other event of the year.  Why?  Because we join with God in reaching children before they have to be rescued.  I certainly believe it honors God to reach children and to pray for and try to reach their families.  It is missions…right here at home.  If you desire to work with Hispanics, Pastor Claudio and Claudia will gladly put you to work.

We have groups going to the homeless shelters serving in Jesus’ name; groups that take hot meals to the widows; groups that reach out to the orphans; those who visit the sick.  I know in my heart the Father is always working.  I rejoice to see the family known as James Island Baptist joining Him in His mission.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, May 21, 2012


Janie and I enjoyed a week of vacation in the Smoky Mountains.  You may know that I am basically a “Disney kind of guy.”   I love me some mouse.  I have to tell you that the bears in the mountains have caught my attention.  I had one goal in mind for this vacation: to unplug and enjoy nature.  I did not want to go on any kind of ride, visit any kind of outlet, or be near anything that lit up and made unnatural noises.  So every day began with a good pot of coffee, relaxed quiet time, a hearty breakfast, and then a four hour hike somewhere to see a waterfall.  You can do that everyday, all day for as many days as you would like in the Smoky Mountains.  I did not know.  There are hundreds of trails…maybe thousands.  We accomplished the goal of just relaxing and unplugging.  The only thing I would think about on those mountain trails was if we had Janie recertified in CPR!

My thanks to our wonderful staff and many church members that picked up my responsibilities while I was gone.  I felt relaxed knowing you all had things under control. We are thankful for our staff and friends for graciously covering our bases.  We are looking forward to being back in the groove again.

We will be continuing our Sunday morning series through the Gospel of Mark.  I look forward to the verse by verse teaching through this powerful Word of God.  I look forward to seeing you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lots Going On...

The entire Fellowship Hall will be closed from Wednesday, May 9 until Tuesday, May 22.  We are in the process of renovating the fellowship hall.  We have completed the ceiling tiles and are now ready for the flooring.  This flooring is not the same as the tiles in the main hall way and atrium.  It is a different process and takes a little more time to “cure”.
Here are the particulars:

 The fellowship hall will not be available for Wednesday night dinners on May 9th or May 16th.  We will still have Wednesday night ministries…just no dinners and no meetings or traffic in the Fellowship Hall.

Rose Haselden’s and Fred Roark’s Sunday Bible Study classes will not be meeting in their class rooms on Sunday, May 13th or May 20th.  Those two classes could consider combining in the sanctuary/worship center for those two Sundays.  Your teacher will let you know where to gather.

The Chinese Fellowship will not be able to have worship, meals or meetings in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, May 13th or 20th.  They could meet in the Big Youth Room for their worship or join in the JIBC worship for those Sunday’s.

The Chinese Schools that meet on Sunday afternoon will not be able to use any of the Fellowship Hall areas on May 13th or May 20th.

Celebrate Recovery will not be able to meet in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, May 13 or 20.  They will be meeting in the café.

No meetings, gatherings, classes, meals, activities of any kind by any group will be able to happen in the Fellowship Hall from Wednesday, May 9th until Tuesday, May 22nd.
Thank you for your understanding.  We pray it will not hinder the progress of your making disciples.  We hope it will be an even more usable and lovely gathering place when the whole process is completed.   In less than two weeks, this should be over for the most part.  The painting and other parts should not be an interruption. 

Thank you again for your patience, understanding and prayers.
Pastor Tom

Monday, April 30, 2012


Wouldn’t you agree that we have been blessed?  Think about this:  two weeks ago, we had a parent child dedication for Todd and Libby Tosti, and their daughter Sophia.  They dedicated their family and their new twins, Sara Catherine and Sabrina Joy, to the Lord.  We are planning for baptism again this Sunday during the 11:00 worship service.  A generous donation gave the church a much needed and greatly improved projector for the sanctuary.  Now on the brightest of days, we can still see the screen clearly.  Again, a generous donation came for the flooring in the fellowship hall, and volunteers have put in new ceiling tiles.  Most of the new connection groups started during the 40 Days in the Word spiritual growth campaign are continuing to meet.  We are blessed, really blessed.

Our Youth and Children’s Ministries are planning for a big summer full of great events.  It is a wonderful time to be a part of the youth ministry at JIBC.  They are planning two camps, both focused around joining God to reach the city.  Pray for them as they get geared up.  We are already making plans for this years Vacation Bible School and Children’s Camp at Bonnie Doone.  Making memories…of course.  Making disciples, our goal.

It may not be too late.  By the time you read this, you might just have time to call and see if there are tickets left to this years Spring Banquet, All That Jazz.  It is always a wonderful event.  It is a great example of serving the Body of Christ, enjoying good clean fun, and fellowship.  The crew that puts this together is fantastic.  We give them our thanks in advance for the great time we will all have.  Call, it might not be too late, and you will enjoy the evening.

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom