Monday, January 14, 2013

Opportunity Abounds

One of the things I like most about JIBC is the abundance of opportunity.  Most of us like choices.  When it comes to how you can get involved and make a difference, you do have an abundance of choices…and it seems that our choices grow every week.

For instance, you have an abundance of opportunity for Bible Study and spiritual growth.  You can choose a Sunday morning Bible Study, a week day connection group, or join us on Wednesday nights.  This series of Bible Study lessons has been strong.  It is indeed the Word of the Lord.

Let’s say you are looking for a place to serve.  Tell me what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing and we will try our best to get you plugged in serving the Body of Christ here at JIBC.  You are wonderfully equipped to help the church family be stronger.  There are places to volunteer, repair projects that need attention, ministry teams that would be delighted to have you join them.

If you are wanting to make a difference in the community, you have a multitude of options.  We have groups working at the homeless shelters, some who deliver food to the elderly, a Transition House that could always use a volunteer, the James Island Outreach can always use some hours.  If you want to go internationally, we have teams that can help you get there.

Want to join a prayer team?  They meet on Sunday evenings.  Interested in working with Youth…ask Brent about the Sunday night celebration.  Love working with preschoolers or children.  Oh my, the opportunities abound.

I know this for sure, I am grateful for the great teams we have that lead our church family to join God on Mission in reaching a lost and broken world.  Think of the significant growth in the Chinese fellowship, the ongoing work of Luz Y Verdad, the Hispanic Mission; Celebrate Recovery is stronger than ever; we are expecting our third resident at the Transition House next week and the fourth to come very soon.  Our Kitchen Krew feeds our church family every Wednesday. Over half of those they feed are people who cannot afford to pay or cannot come to join us.  My point is that even our Wednesday Night Fellowship meal takes on a missional attitude.  I love it!

I love you and consider it an honor to work with you on Mission with God.  See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.