Monday, January 7, 2013


January 6
“Do All You Can and Trust God for the Rest!”
Colossians 3:23

January 13
Get Prepared…Some Fiscal Cliff Is Always Coming”
Proverbs 21:20

January 20
“Debt No…Savings Yes”
Proverbs 22:7

January 27
“Love Made Me Do It”
Psalm 116:12

The Bible speaks about money and possessions almost more than any other topic.  It is mentioned more times than love, sin, heaven, or hell.  Yet, it is often neglected in our teachings.  If our Father thought it important enough to mention over 2,000 times, perhaps we should look to His Word for wisdom and instruction. 

The current political chatter on the “Fiscal Cliff” provides a great opportunity to lead our church family and friends to live a life prepared for this or any future fiscal cliff.  The truth is many people are facing a fiscal cliff every single week of their lives.  Living paycheck to paycheck, praying there is no major hit to their income this week.  Barely keeping their financial head above water, they pray that an unexpected bill will not come along and sink them.  That is a far cry from Jesus’ blessing to each of us:  “I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.” 

Join me during January as we look to God’s Holy Word for guidance in this area of our lives.  Finances really are a spiritual matter.  Based on the number of times Jesus talks about it, you would think it is one of the most important.

To paraphrase the Psalmist: “Some trust in Congress, some trust in the President, I will trust in the Name of the Lord our God.”  We will look together at how to build that trust, how to live an abundant life, and how to “Survive the Next Fiscal Cliff.”

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom