Monday, February 25, 2013

“The future is so bright I gotta wear shades”

If I can borrow a line from a song of days gone by, the future does look bright.  We are very close to calling Sean Rheaume as our full time “PASTOR OF FAMILY MINISTRIES.” His responsibilities will be very similar to our current “Pastor of Students” position.    The position will have primary responsibilities over all Sr. High and Jr. High Ministries and Mission.  There will be some oversight and leadership in the Children’s Ministries. (He will be helping train children’s workers.  Do not expect that he will be “doing” children’s ministries.  It is in the area of leadership.) He will also be responsible for finding ways to reach the parents and families of unchurched youth.  So, just to say it again and narrow the point…he will be primarily involved in Youth Ministries.  He will have some involvement in Children and will be focusing on reaching and helping families.  Of course, there is the “other duties as assigned” clause!  We have a group of leaders meeting with Sean and his wife this Friday.  As my pastor use to say “unless there is a slip between the cup and the lip” this looks like it will work.

Now, about Susan Warren.  At this point, Susan Warren is on staff with us leading our CONNECTION MINISTRIES.  We are hoping this will move to a more permanent “part time position” as Director of Church Ministries.  Then, the possibility does exist of having Susan move into a full time position.  We believe she has the skill set of administration and relational skills we need for such a position.

To do this requires moving to a part time WORSHIP LEADER.  I think we can do that and do it with excellence.  That means we will not likely have a full time worship leader for the time being.  We are experimenting with that.  Let’s try it for a while and see.  Currently, Fred Hudson is directing the band, praise team, and our sound production.  Fred is in an interim, trial position.  As he lives up to his agreement and our expectations, he might just find a home.  That would be my desire.  As with the rest of us, it is always his job to keep or his job to lose.

 All of our staff and leadership positions are about more than just being talented.  There is a special calling and responsibility to lead or be on a church staff.  Leaders  have a responsibility to lead by walking close to the Lord, seeking to be godly, and working toward being mentally, socially, and spiritually healthy.  We have a responsibility to God, His family, our fellow leaders, and community.  You don’t have to be perfect.  None of us are.  Brokenness is a description of all of us.  As the old saying goes, “thank God He uses cracked pots,” and we are all broken at some place.  Seeking healing, health, and growing in our relationship with God and man is required of leadership, and if these fail to be pursued, we recommend that they take time away from leading and focus first on their relationship with our Lord.  Who we are is so much more important than what we do.  They then may be restored to leadership with grace and healing. 

That being said, I think the future is looking very bright.  I am not unrealistic about the challenges ahead.  I just like the odds that come from loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself.  I like being on a team not afraid to risk and go for slaying the giants.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Prospective Staff Person

I do not think it is too early to let you know we are in the final stages of interviewing a new staff person, Sean Rheaume. Our staff has had one interview with him and was extremely pleased. Janie and I met with him and his wife for an entire evening…they passed the “Janie” test. Yes, I really value my wife’s input and trust her judgment. Then I met him for another lunch date to confirm some details and ideas. Susan Warren followed up on his resume references and everything checked out. He passed the federal background check that we do on all employees. He also passed the financial background check we do on all employees. We have one more staff meeting with him this week to work on some details of dates, etc. He also must meet with my pastor friends that I meet with every Friday morning. That may be difficult since one of them is on sabbatical half way around the world. Then, the last meeting will be with a group of leaders on Friday night, March 1.
Sean and his wife have been worshipping with us for the past two weeks. Remember, they are also interviewing us. Even without you knowing they were here, I had no doubt they would be welcomed and loved. They currently live in Monks Corner, so it will not be a big move for them.

Pastor Brent is currently working on the “on ramp/off ramps” strategy. If these final meetings go as planned, we will find a way for the new guy to come on board at least part-time in March to start the transfer of leadership. In April, Sean would come on full-time and we will have the advantage of him and Brent working together. Brent’s job will be to assist Sean in any way to have a smooth and successful start. In May, Sean will be the full-time while Brent is in high gear making his switch to Baltimore. The beauty of this plan is the new guy will hit the ground running with the summer schedule. There will be no lag time. He will have been able to plan and prepare. By the way, we are planning an ordination council for Brent for Friday, April 5. Anticipating all goes well, we will have an ordination service for Brent and Jess on Sunday, April 14. Thank you Jesus.

Sean will come on board as the Pastor of Family Ministries. He will primarily be in charge of Sr. and Jr. High School students, have some oversight/involvement in children’s ministries and be assigned to reach unchurched families in the community. I think he is up for the task. We will roll out his resume when we get down to the finish line. Until then, keep on praying. Things are looking great and I am excited about how bright the future looks.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Tom

Monday, February 11, 2013

It’s a little bit different!


Since August, 2012, Brent has announced he feels led to go to Baltimore and start a new church. He is not leaving us for a “bigger church”…he is going to start a church. He is not leaving us for “mo’ money”…he is having to raise all the money he will be receiving. He feels led to start a new work. I have shared many times that I think this is exactly the right move for Brent. His four years at JIBC have been a good growing time for him. We have been blessed as he has been.

That being said…it is a little bit different. In the secular world, once you announce you are leaving, they take your keys, box up your office and send it to you. Your days are over as soon as they know you are leaving. Actually, sometimes it is like that in the church world. That leads people to act in secret and avoid honest conversations. I commend Brent for being forthcoming and sharing his goal. This process has been something we can embrace, celebrate and support. I have met with Brent’s new Director of Missions from Baltimore. I like him. Brent will be in good hands and has a good support system there.

Here is another part that is a little bit different. Knowing Brent is leaving has given us lead time to start the process of looking for a replacement. You cannot replace Brent! He is one of a kind. We can, and will, fill the position with someone we feel is called to join the JIBC family. Over the past several months, we have interviewed a half dozen prospects. We have already had several of them come and visit JIBC to see the campus, the area and get a little taste of JIBC. Some have looked promising while others…not so much. Typically, our contacts start with a resume and an email. If there is interest, we follow up with a “skype” interview. This allows us to have a live interview without the expense of actually paying for someone to come to JIBC. So far, when we have had one skype interview we have followed up with a second. At that point, then we invite them to come and visit. So, from time to time, we have had families visiting JIBC without being announced. These are still what I consider dates. We are not ready at this point to bring them to meet leadership teams. They are coming to see the campus, the area and to meet with the staff. After we all clear that point, then we set up leadership team meeting.

It is a process. Sometimes it is a mysterious, long and tedious process. I am grateful for your prayers and support. We will try our best to keep you informed. It is a little bit different actively searching for a position while that position is still here. What a blessing that has been.

By the way, you may not have met the Youth Intern, Parker Busch. Brent has been training him since the beginning of the new school year. What a blessing Parker will be during this transition time.

Just for your calendaring let me share these two dates with you. Friday, April 5 we are planning to have an ordination council for Brent. It will be a good thing for him to be ordained as he goes to his first lead pastor position. The ordination service is planned for Sunday, April 14. What a joyful celebration that will be. With the blessings of God, how cool would it be to have the “new pastor” participate in this service???? It would be a little bit different!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing

Pastor Tom

Monday, February 4, 2013


When you hear those words it usually means you heard something that was out of the ordinary…something that was hard to believe.  Let me list for you part of what God is doing every Sunday here at the church campus.  I will probably forget something, so please forgive me. 

Every week we have two worship services, one at 8:30 and the other at 11:00.  They are basically the same service with an extra song or two at 11:00.  Every week we have a full house of preschool, children, youth, and adults studying God’s Word.  By the way, I love our Bible Study lessons and believe they are rock solid!  While we meet, we have a Hispanic mission, Luz Y Verdad, meeting in the cafĂ©.  They are running 40 adults plus their children.  Their leadership team recently met with me about their need for more space.  That is a good problem to have.  During that time we also have the Chinese worship service taking place in the Fellowship Hall.  They are running around 70 adults and have started their own youth worship service that meets in the Youth Worship area.  While we are in the main worship center, Brent and his team are leading children’s worship in the All Star Children’s room.  A full preschool is being operated downstairs in the preschool area by our faithful volunteer team.  Now that is just what happens on Sunday mornings.

Sunday afternoon will find the Chinese Church family enjoying a meal and fellowship. They are joined by the Greater Charleston Chinese Community as they gather to teach Chinese to their children.  Every room in our main building is used for the Chinese school.

Around 4:00, Brent and the Youth Worship team will gather to start preparing for the evening Youth Worship time.  He and the Youth Intern, Parker Bush, will prep up for a high energy, Spirit filled time with our youth and youth from the community.

Down stairs in the Library/Conference room you will find a small but very faithful prayer team.  They welcome anyone and everyone to join them as they pray together each Sunday afternoon.   They would welcome your participation and even gladly welcome your prayer concerns.

At 5:00, the Celebrate Recovery Team starts setting up for the 6-8 pm Celebrate Recovery meeting.  We have a meal each week, followed by worship, reading the steps, giving out the chips, a lesson, and then small group.  We usually clear the building by 8:45 on most Sunday nights.

Now, throw in the every other month Class 101, a Red Cross Blood Drive, and a team meeting of some sort, and you have a usual Sunday at James Island Baptist.  It can be enough to cause the casual observer to say “You did what?”

Bottom line, we are in the business of making disciples…not staying busy.  We are after changed lives, not full calendars.  We are driven by the purposes of God as revealed in the Bible, not by a denominational calendar or tradition.  I am in love with a church family that is in love with a great God and our Lord Jesus.  Thank you for having the courage to change!

Pastor Tom