If I can borrow a line from a song of days gone by, the future does look bright. We are very close to calling Sean Rheaume as our full time “PASTOR OF FAMILY MINISTRIES.” His responsibilities will be very similar to our current “Pastor of Students” position. The position will have primary responsibilities over all Sr. High and Jr. High Ministries and Mission. There will be some oversight and leadership in the Children’s Ministries. (He will be helping train children’s workers. Do not expect that he will be “doing” children’s ministries. It is in the area of leadership.) He will also be responsible for finding ways to reach the parents and families of unchurched youth. So, just to say it again and narrow the point…he will be primarily involved in Youth Ministries. He will have some involvement in Children and will be focusing on reaching and helping families. Of course, there is the “other duties as assigned” clause! We have a group of leaders meeting with Sean and his wife this Friday. As my pastor use to say “unless there is a slip between the cup and the lip” this looks like it will work.
Now, about Susan Warren. At this point, Susan Warren is on staff with us leading our CONNECTION MINISTRIES. We are hoping this will move to a more permanent “part time position” as Director of Church Ministries. Then, the possibility does exist of having Susan move into a full time position. We believe she has the skill set of administration and relational skills we need for such a position.
To do this requires moving to a part time WORSHIP LEADER. I think we can do that and do it with excellence. That means we will not likely have a full time worship leader for the time being. We are experimenting with that. Let’s try it for a while and see. Currently, Fred Hudson is directing the band, praise team, and our sound production. Fred is in an interim, trial position. As he lives up to his agreement and our expectations, he might just find a home. That would be my desire. As with the rest of us, it is always his job to keep or his job to lose.
All of our staff and leadership positions are about more than just being talented. There is a special calling and responsibility to lead or be on a church staff. Leaders have a responsibility to lead by walking close to the Lord, seeking to be godly, and working toward being mentally, socially, and spiritually healthy. We have a responsibility to God, His family, our fellow leaders, and community. You don’t have to be perfect. None of us are. Brokenness is a description of all of us. As the old saying goes, “thank God He uses cracked pots,” and we are all broken at some place. Seeking healing, health, and growing in our relationship with God and man is required of leadership, and if these fail to be pursued, we recommend that they take time away from leading and focus first on their relationship with our Lord. Who we are is so much more important than what we do. They then may be restored to leadership with grace and healing.
That being said, I think the future is looking very bright. I am not unrealistic about the challenges ahead. I just like the odds that come from loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself. I like being on a team not afraid to risk and go for slaying the giants.
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom