Sean Rheaume will come to join the JIBC staff as Pastor of Family Ministries. Last Friday night a team of leaders had a “Meet and Greet” with Sean and Audra Rheaume. The meeting went great, and every response that I received was thumbs up and positive. Next week’s Messenger will have a summary of his resume for you to read. We will introduce him to the church family during a worship service this Sunday, March 10.
Now we will begin the work of timing when Sean will come on full time with us. The current plan we are working with involves Sean coming in a part time capacity during March, then beginning full time in April. Brent will still be on board with us in a full time capacity. During March, Brent will be introducing and involving Sean in the life of JIBC. Starting in April, Sean will begin full time, full speed ahead. Brent will continue to serve JIBC, but not so much in the Youth area. He will have other duties and responsibilities. He will also continue preparation for the move to Baltimore. Pray for these areas in particular: Jess will need a full time job in Baltimore; they still need to rent or sell their house; and Brent has to raise a certain amount of support in order to get matching funds.
If you are watching the news, you are aware that very soon we may have two popes. The current pope resigned, and the search is on the way for a new pope. For three months, we will have two Youth Popes…lol! It will be a little weird. I don’t think I would try to pull this off with just anyone. But with these two kingdom players, I really believe it’s all good. So here we go, continuing the same effort to reach youth before we have to rescue them, to make them disciples who make disciples that change the world. I am looking forward to seeing you Sunday as we introduce Sean and Audra to you all.
Pastor Tom