Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Prospective Staff Person

I do not think it is too early to let you know we are in the final stages of interviewing a new staff person, Sean Rheaume. Our staff has had one interview with him and was extremely pleased. Janie and I met with him and his wife for an entire evening…they passed the “Janie” test. Yes, I really value my wife’s input and trust her judgment. Then I met him for another lunch date to confirm some details and ideas. Susan Warren followed up on his resume references and everything checked out. He passed the federal background check that we do on all employees. He also passed the financial background check we do on all employees. We have one more staff meeting with him this week to work on some details of dates, etc. He also must meet with my pastor friends that I meet with every Friday morning. That may be difficult since one of them is on sabbatical half way around the world. Then, the last meeting will be with a group of leaders on Friday night, March 1.
Sean and his wife have been worshipping with us for the past two weeks. Remember, they are also interviewing us. Even without you knowing they were here, I had no doubt they would be welcomed and loved. They currently live in Monks Corner, so it will not be a big move for them.

Pastor Brent is currently working on the “on ramp/off ramps” strategy. If these final meetings go as planned, we will find a way for the new guy to come on board at least part-time in March to start the transfer of leadership. In April, Sean would come on full-time and we will have the advantage of him and Brent working together. Brent’s job will be to assist Sean in any way to have a smooth and successful start. In May, Sean will be the full-time while Brent is in high gear making his switch to Baltimore. The beauty of this plan is the new guy will hit the ground running with the summer schedule. There will be no lag time. He will have been able to plan and prepare. By the way, we are planning an ordination council for Brent for Friday, April 5. Anticipating all goes well, we will have an ordination service for Brent and Jess on Sunday, April 14. Thank you Jesus.

Sean will come on board as the Pastor of Family Ministries. He will primarily be in charge of Sr. and Jr. High School students, have some oversight/involvement in children’s ministries and be assigned to reach unchurched families in the community. I think he is up for the task. We will roll out his resume when we get down to the finish line. Until then, keep on praying. Things are looking great and I am excited about how bright the future looks.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Tom