Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Last Call


How is that for a change?  Some of us remember when the last call was what you heard at the bar just before closing time.  Today, last call is in reference to next week’s, Sunday June 2 MISSION FAIR/CHURCH-WIDE COOKOUT.  Here are the basics:

· No 8:30 service for that day.  We will resume regular schedule next week.
· Bible Study/Sunday Connection groups same time, same places as usual: 9:45-10:45
· Combined worship service at 11:00
· Invited over 15 different Missions and organizations to be present at the fair
· Church Kitchen Team is cooking for everyone…but bring a dessert or dish if you want to
· Meet the representatives from the different mission groups and organizations and hear about what they do
· Great food, lots of fun, new friends and we’ll have you completely out of here by 2:00 or before

This is the wrap up of our Sunday series entitled “Blessed 2 B A Blessing”.  I am praying it will further lock down into our DNA what we are called to be:  disciples who make disciples that change the world.  We are doing it now!  You are making a difference and carrying light and hope to places of darkness.  To God be the glory!


McAlister-Smith Funeral Home had their open house for their new chapel on Folly Road.  Several things about that cause me to rejoice.  First, my wife, Janie is their book keeper/office manager/trouble shooter.  They transferred her office to the James Island Chapel.  She now lives and works on James Island again!  You can find her at the chapel Monday-Friday.  Second, they gave a $250 prize to the church that brought the most worship bulletins to their open house.  JIBC won hands down.  Whoohooo!  We will give the $250 to Remember for Rhett Harter’s upcoming mission trip to Iraq.  Blessed 2 B A Blessing!  Third, I am pleased to have a quality, Christian based funeral home here on James Island.  Of course they are not the only ones in town…but they are the only ones on James Island.  And I am glad to call them friends.  Janie would welcome any of you to call her and come by for a visit.  It is a lovely facility with a very lovely chapel.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


There are a lot of things we do well as a church family.  High on the list is eating and missions.  We do a pretty decent job at both.  When you can combine them it is a wonderful experience.  That is exactly what will happen on Sunday, June 2 at the Mission Fair/Cookout.

I have been teaching a series of messages I call “ Blessed 2 B A Blessing”.   The sermon title is an old title, but the messages are new.  The focus has been on the different ways we are blessed and how we can manage those blessings and pass them on.  I have been thrilled at the response to the series.  At the end of the day, my goal is not to better educate and teach us more about God’s Word.  The goal is to lead us to be obedient and do more of God’s Word.  The blessings are not promised for being hearers of the Word…but for being doers of the Word.  With that in mind I have tried to end each message with a “now what do we do?” challenge.

Now, let’s take a shot at ending the entire series with a “now what?” question.  On Sunday, June 2, we will have a combined worship service at 11:00.  We will not, for that day, have the 8:30 service.  We will, for that day, only have the one service at 11:00. Bible Study/Sunday School will continue as it always does….no change in the Bible Study time.  This will allow everyone to participate in the worship service and then join us for the Mission Fair/Cookout afterwards.  Our Kitchen Team has volunteered to cook for everyone.  You can bring a dessert or your favorite dish if you want but they will cook for everyone.  After the service, we will go out under the oaks to enjoy a great meal and the Mission Fair.

THE MISSION FAIR/COOKOUT  involves over a dozen different organizations and ministries.  They are invited to set up a table or booth, send a representative, distribute information, ask for prayer, and look for people who would like to volunteer.   Here is a sample of those who have committed to being present:  Water Mission International; Florence Crittenton Home for Pregnant Teens; Low Country Pregnancy Center; Murray LaSaine Elementary; Habitat for Humanity; World Vision; Remember; Rock the Block; Women on Mission; Migrant Ministry with Luz Y Verdad;  James Island Outreach; etc.  It is a pretty impressive lineup.

I am pretty excited about this MISSION FAIR/COOKOUT.  I hope you will make plans to attend the Worship service and the Mission Fair afterwards.  After all, we are blessed to be a blessing.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Back in the saddle…so to speak

Janie and I returned Sunday from a week of vacation.  We spent the weeks in the Smokey Mountains.  For some reason, this is an area we have seldom visited on vacation.  Last year was our first vacation trip to the mountains.  I can see why people love going.  The goal of our vacation was really kind of simple…enjoy nature and visit as many waterfalls as we could fit into the week.  The following statement can kind of be said to “The 12 days of Christmas” tune. “On our 7 day vacation, this is what we’d see: 7 deer a prancing, 6 llama’s packing (apparently they use llama’s to haul supplies in the mountains), 5 Blackwood’s singing (the Gospel breakfast show), 4 waterfalls gushing, 3 wild turkeys strutting, 2 black bears climbing and a brown snake waiting for Janie!  We hiked and walked 70 miles for the week.  A good time  listening to birds and streams.   My appreciation to all who helped cover the bases in our absence.

Coming back to a blessing.
If all goes well, by the time you read this copy, I will be waiting in line to hold our 6th grandchild, Micah Thomas Brown.  Bryon and Gail are scheduled to deliver on Tuesday, May 14.  Can’t wait to see the little guy.

Last minute reminder
I think there are still tickets available for this Saturday’s show “If These Walls Could Talk”.  The spring banquet is always a great meal with lots of fun.  The Activities Team does a great job on all fronts.  If you still need tickets, check with the office at 762-0244 or call Felecia Hebert or Janie Brown.  They will be glad to help you if they can.

See you, good Lord willing, this Sunday!

Pastor Tom