Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Last Call


How is that for a change?  Some of us remember when the last call was what you heard at the bar just before closing time.  Today, last call is in reference to next week’s, Sunday June 2 MISSION FAIR/CHURCH-WIDE COOKOUT.  Here are the basics:

· No 8:30 service for that day.  We will resume regular schedule next week.
· Bible Study/Sunday Connection groups same time, same places as usual: 9:45-10:45
· Combined worship service at 11:00
· Invited over 15 different Missions and organizations to be present at the fair
· Church Kitchen Team is cooking for everyone…but bring a dessert or dish if you want to
· Meet the representatives from the different mission groups and organizations and hear about what they do
· Great food, lots of fun, new friends and we’ll have you completely out of here by 2:00 or before

This is the wrap up of our Sunday series entitled “Blessed 2 B A Blessing”.  I am praying it will further lock down into our DNA what we are called to be:  disciples who make disciples that change the world.  We are doing it now!  You are making a difference and carrying light and hope to places of darkness.  To God be the glory!


McAlister-Smith Funeral Home had their open house for their new chapel on Folly Road.  Several things about that cause me to rejoice.  First, my wife, Janie is their book keeper/office manager/trouble shooter.  They transferred her office to the James Island Chapel.  She now lives and works on James Island again!  You can find her at the chapel Monday-Friday.  Second, they gave a $250 prize to the church that brought the most worship bulletins to their open house.  JIBC won hands down.  Whoohooo!  We will give the $250 to Remember for Rhett Harter’s upcoming mission trip to Iraq.  Blessed 2 B A Blessing!  Third, I am pleased to have a quality, Christian based funeral home here on James Island.  Of course they are not the only ones in town…but they are the only ones on James Island.  And I am glad to call them friends.  Janie would welcome any of you to call her and come by for a visit.  It is a lovely facility with a very lovely chapel.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom