Tuesday, May 21, 2013


There are a lot of things we do well as a church family.  High on the list is eating and missions.  We do a pretty decent job at both.  When you can combine them it is a wonderful experience.  That is exactly what will happen on Sunday, June 2 at the Mission Fair/Cookout.

I have been teaching a series of messages I call “ Blessed 2 B A Blessing”.   The sermon title is an old title, but the messages are new.  The focus has been on the different ways we are blessed and how we can manage those blessings and pass them on.  I have been thrilled at the response to the series.  At the end of the day, my goal is not to better educate and teach us more about God’s Word.  The goal is to lead us to be obedient and do more of God’s Word.  The blessings are not promised for being hearers of the Word…but for being doers of the Word.  With that in mind I have tried to end each message with a “now what do we do?” challenge.

Now, let’s take a shot at ending the entire series with a “now what?” question.  On Sunday, June 2, we will have a combined worship service at 11:00.  We will not, for that day, have the 8:30 service.  We will, for that day, only have the one service at 11:00. Bible Study/Sunday School will continue as it always does….no change in the Bible Study time.  This will allow everyone to participate in the worship service and then join us for the Mission Fair/Cookout afterwards.  Our Kitchen Team has volunteered to cook for everyone.  You can bring a dessert or your favorite dish if you want but they will cook for everyone.  After the service, we will go out under the oaks to enjoy a great meal and the Mission Fair.

THE MISSION FAIR/COOKOUT  involves over a dozen different organizations and ministries.  They are invited to set up a table or booth, send a representative, distribute information, ask for prayer, and look for people who would like to volunteer.   Here is a sample of those who have committed to being present:  Water Mission International; Florence Crittenton Home for Pregnant Teens; Low Country Pregnancy Center; Murray LaSaine Elementary; Habitat for Humanity; World Vision; Remember; Rock the Block; Women on Mission; Migrant Ministry with Luz Y Verdad;  James Island Outreach; etc.  It is a pretty impressive lineup.

I am pretty excited about this MISSION FAIR/COOKOUT.  I hope you will make plans to attend the Worship service and the Mission Fair afterwards.  After all, we are blessed to be a blessing.

Pastor Tom