Monday, January 28, 2013

Changes Update

Last week’s article was about the change that occurred in our staff.  We no longer have a full- time Pastor of Worship and Connection Ministry.  For the time being we are very blessed to have two very qualified part-time “interims.”  As we shared last week, Fred Hudson will be leading our worship teams.  He has served as the assistant for a number of years.  He is, perhaps, the most talented musician I know.  I do believe he is capable of leading in the position for the time being.  Thank you ahead of time for your patience as Fred and our worship team get use to a little different way of doing things.  It may take a week or so to work out some of the wrinkles.  It will happen.

Now let me introduce the Connection Ministry interim, Susan Warren.  How about that?  We have been extremely blessed to have access to someone with Susan’s background.  Susan is the daughter of Juanita Garrett.  She grew up here in James Island Baptist Church.  Through the years, when in town, she always visited here.  She is a graduate of Charleston Southern University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  She has her Master’s Degree in Childhood Education.  She served for 11 years at Derbyshire Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia.  She served there as Minister to Children and Families.  She also served with our International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.  She was a free lance writer and produced children’s materials.  She has terrific credentials and extensive experience.  I am very happy to have here assistance in continuing the Connection ministry.  I think she will bring strong administrative and relational skills to this ministry.

We also want to add a welcome to the third resident of the Transition House, Crystal Johnson.  You will enjoy getting to know Crystal.  She is looking forward to joining the activities and life of JIBC.  I am confident she will be received with the same love shown to Emily and Tonya.  One week from now, we will welcome the fourth resident, Jessica.  That will make a “full house” with no more space available until one of them “graduates” or “gives up their bed” as we say.  They are, generally speaking, staying for up to 6 months, but that was an arbitrary number.  We will adjust that as we grow along.  By the way, I get calls from the Charleston Rehab Center asking if there are any more spaces or houses available.  I know this sounds crazy, but if you have ever thought of donating your house to a worthy cause, this would be a good one.  We could easily fill as many houses as were available.  Helping women transition is a very big deal.  Thank you for your support.  Another “by the way”:  do you know of someone hiring part time, please call the church office and let us know, ph#762-0244.  This is always a need for our ladies.  And if you have an old car you are wondering what to do with…I have a suggestion.  Call me.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we start back with the Gospel of Mark.
Pastor Tom

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


One thing you can always count on is change. Only God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Other than that, everything changes. And so it is with our church staff. Dave Johnson, Lauren, Caleb and Jonah have been with us for a year now. They will no longer be with us as church staff. They will, however, be loved and remembered as a part of our church family.

One year ago we tried what I call a “grand opportunity”. Our church staff, our Elders and Dave knew and understood that Dave was coming to us without experience or the educational background usually required for this position. He had never been a pastor and had never worked full time on a church staff. Even knowing this, we thought it was absolutely worth the effort to see if God was calling Dave full time as a Pastor of Worship. Dave’s church in Orlando “licensed” him to the ministry. That is like a trial permit to see if indeed there is a calling to full time ministry. It was, as I called it, a worthwhile grand opportunity. The trial period did exactly what it needed to do. It gave Dave and JIBC the trial time before he would be ordained to the gospel ministry. The trial period revealed Dave does not feel called to be a pastor and at this time, is not ready to work full time on a church staff. There are many things he can do.

Along with Dave, we have no doubt that Dave is passionate about worship. Even Dave recognized and said he was not really sure about the “being a pastor” part of his calling. Being a pastor can be demanding of your time, talent and emotions. In this season of Dave’s life, his family needs his full presence and ministry. That is hard to come by in a local church setting.

So, with very mixed emotions we will release Dave back into the work force to pursue all that God has in store for him. Everyone likes Dave. He is funny and easy to like. And who couldn’t love Lauren?

There are at least two potential bits of good news in regards to this decision. First, Dave feels this could be an opportune time for him to go back to school and finish a college degree. He is thinking of a degree in business, not music or worship. That speaks volumes to our decision. Second, he is feeling led to join with Pastor Brent’s core group going to start a new church in Baltimore. In fact, we are paying for him and Lauren to go there this week to explore the possibility. Dave would be joining Tim and Ally Waddle, Julian and Christine Benn as well as Brent and Jess Gordon in starting a new church in Baltimore. Dave would be able to continue his education in Baltimore and provide a ministry of presence to his family. Brent has made it clear to Dave, that Dave would not be going with Brent in the role of a “pastor” or “worship leader”. He does not have what Brent is looking for in a Worship Leader. Another confirmation that this was the right decision. He would be going as a member of the core group for support. If that happens, just imagine: anyone going to the Baltimore area could visit what I am calling “James Island’s North Campus”! LOL.

We love Dave, Lauren, Caleb and Jonah. We will do our best to bless them and help them as they write this new chapter of their lives. Please keep them in your prayers. Next week we will have more to share with you about our worship and connection ministries. Fred Hudson has agreed to serve as the interim Worship Leader at this time. I have every confidence that he will do a good job.

Thank you again for your prayers and support.

Pastor Tom

Monday, January 14, 2013

Opportunity Abounds

One of the things I like most about JIBC is the abundance of opportunity.  Most of us like choices.  When it comes to how you can get involved and make a difference, you do have an abundance of choices…and it seems that our choices grow every week.

For instance, you have an abundance of opportunity for Bible Study and spiritual growth.  You can choose a Sunday morning Bible Study, a week day connection group, or join us on Wednesday nights.  This series of Bible Study lessons has been strong.  It is indeed the Word of the Lord.

Let’s say you are looking for a place to serve.  Tell me what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing and we will try our best to get you plugged in serving the Body of Christ here at JIBC.  You are wonderfully equipped to help the church family be stronger.  There are places to volunteer, repair projects that need attention, ministry teams that would be delighted to have you join them.

If you are wanting to make a difference in the community, you have a multitude of options.  We have groups working at the homeless shelters, some who deliver food to the elderly, a Transition House that could always use a volunteer, the James Island Outreach can always use some hours.  If you want to go internationally, we have teams that can help you get there.

Want to join a prayer team?  They meet on Sunday evenings.  Interested in working with Youth…ask Brent about the Sunday night celebration.  Love working with preschoolers or children.  Oh my, the opportunities abound.

I know this for sure, I am grateful for the great teams we have that lead our church family to join God on Mission in reaching a lost and broken world.  Think of the significant growth in the Chinese fellowship, the ongoing work of Luz Y Verdad, the Hispanic Mission; Celebrate Recovery is stronger than ever; we are expecting our third resident at the Transition House next week and the fourth to come very soon.  Our Kitchen Krew feeds our church family every Wednesday. Over half of those they feed are people who cannot afford to pay or cannot come to join us.  My point is that even our Wednesday Night Fellowship meal takes on a missional attitude.  I love it!

I love you and consider it an honor to work with you on Mission with God.  See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.

Monday, January 7, 2013


January 6
“Do All You Can and Trust God for the Rest!”
Colossians 3:23

January 13
Get Prepared…Some Fiscal Cliff Is Always Coming”
Proverbs 21:20

January 20
“Debt No…Savings Yes”
Proverbs 22:7

January 27
“Love Made Me Do It”
Psalm 116:12

The Bible speaks about money and possessions almost more than any other topic.  It is mentioned more times than love, sin, heaven, or hell.  Yet, it is often neglected in our teachings.  If our Father thought it important enough to mention over 2,000 times, perhaps we should look to His Word for wisdom and instruction. 

The current political chatter on the “Fiscal Cliff” provides a great opportunity to lead our church family and friends to live a life prepared for this or any future fiscal cliff.  The truth is many people are facing a fiscal cliff every single week of their lives.  Living paycheck to paycheck, praying there is no major hit to their income this week.  Barely keeping their financial head above water, they pray that an unexpected bill will not come along and sink them.  That is a far cry from Jesus’ blessing to each of us:  “I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.” 

Join me during January as we look to God’s Holy Word for guidance in this area of our lives.  Finances really are a spiritual matter.  Based on the number of times Jesus talks about it, you would think it is one of the most important.

To paraphrase the Psalmist: “Some trust in Congress, some trust in the President, I will trust in the Name of the Lord our God.”  We will look together at how to build that trust, how to live an abundant life, and how to “Survive the Next Fiscal Cliff.”

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom