Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Funny Sayings

Don’t you just love to read things that make you laugh? I read one recently that was in reference to some people’s need for drama. When drama comes knocking at your door your response is: “Not my circus, not my monkeys”. Granted, it does not take much to entertain me, but I do love that. Some live with a need to find importance by creating a problem where there is not one; stirring the pot they don’t want to eat from; creating chaos where there was peace. We refer to them as “Drama Queens”…sorry guys, even men who are like this are called “Drama Queens”. The desire for attention is not so wrong in itself. It is the “over-desiring” that causes the drama. It is the desire for attention even if it means negative attention…sounds almost like a child doesn’t it.

By the way, I have met and dealt with many drama queens in my life time. None of them ever thought of themselves as such. The old saying is if someone says “I hate drama” there is a good chance they are a drama queen. The Drama Queen has often lived this way so long, they may or may not realize they are spreading turmoil and discontent wherever they go. This has become their new identity. They have not got the message: just because you are a drama queen does not mean I am going to treat you like royalty. Drama, it has been said, is the unconscious strategy of a young baby being played out in an adult body. It is not pretty.

It is a spiritual issue. The fruit of the Holy Spirit includes “love, joy and peace”. Guess what the drama queens do not have? You got it…love, joy and peace. Creating drama, participating or perpetuating drama really is a spiritual issue. In Philippians 2, the Apostle Paul says “Have this attitude in you that was in Christ Jesus…”. It can’t be an attitude of drama. Say the good word, the encouraging word, the word of hope and faith. It is the attitude that was in Christ Jesus.

And remember to say: “It’s not my circus, not my monkeys.” Gotta love it!

Pastor Tom