Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Unanimous Support

This past Sunday we voted on the recommendation from our staff, our finance team and leadership team that we pursue purchasing the property across the street. The vote in both services was unanimous. This is not a “done deal” but we are on the way. We will very shortly be meeting with attorneys working out the details.

I am very pleased and believe this will be a smart move for future mission and ministry. I really love how our church family has grown over the years. There was a time when the first question that would be asked is “Can we afford this?” Now, the first question that was consistently asked was “What will we do with it?” In other words, how does it fit into our purpose and mission? I have been very open to say that at this point I do not know. I believe the plan will include some sort of multi-purpose activity building. Based on how God has blessed such actions in the past, I suspect and believe we will have a mission or two that meets there. It might surprise you to know there is really no church on the island with any type of significant youth mission and outreach going on. Many churches are offering something, but no church has yet found the “key” to reach the youth in the area. I believe this will be part of the answer…but I do not know.

Our Father has helped our church family to become more and more outward focused. Look for the greatest needs in the community and then see what resources He has given us. Think about the things God has already done here at JIBC: grew the largest Chinese church in Charleston; has the most active Hispanic church (not the largest, but surely one of the most active); we consistently have over 100 at Celebrate Recovery (the average Baptist church in S.C. has under 100); the only Transition House for women and infants in Charleston; outreach ministries to Florence Crittenton Home for unwed girls from 10 years of age to 24; just began an outreach to Lowcountry Orphan Relief; active partners with James Island Outreach; Youth Ministry Rock the Block to area neighborhoods; support Low Country Pregnancy Center; taking on illiteracy through “Reading Buddies” at Murray LaSaine Elementary; plans to start a Mother’s Morning Out in September; etc.

Look at that list. That does not mention the dozens of “in house” ministries to our own church family. On Wednesday nights we feed people who are homeless, under-employed, large families who are stretched…at no cost. We have volunteers who take Wednesday meals to the homebound and sick. We have a growing “Connections Ministry” led by Susan Warren helping to connect people to God, each other and the community. That is not to mention the things we do not know…members who just quietly, routinely act as salt and light in volunteer positions on their own. I love JIBC and I love what I see God doing in our church family. To God be the glory.

NEW TEACHING SERIES: I begin this Sunday teaching a series based on The Sermon on the Mount called “The Good and Beautiful Life”. I read a series of books by James Bryan Smith that will greatly influence this series. I am praying our Father will use it for our soul training!

Happy July 4th,

Pastor Tom