I am inviting all staff, all deacons and elders, all connection group leaders and all leaders of ministry teams. If you cannot attend, I would ask that you send someone who would come representing your team or connection group. We are expecting to have 45 leaders to attend.
I am calling this VISION NIGHT: JIBC for this reason: I hope to share with you a compelling vision and direction for the next 16 months. The staff and I have met together to prayerfully seek direction and leadership for our church family. We had a very successful 2 day retreat examining where we see God moving, what we see Him blessing, examining needs of the community and dreaming how we could join Him. We will present a calendar of the major events and dates that will help you, your family and your ministry team/connection group as you make plans for the coming year.
Recently, this statement has been going through my mind and heart: God is in the business of reaching, redeeming and restoring a lost and broken world. We, the JIBC family, exist to join Him in His business. What we will share at VISION NIGHT: JIBC will be how we believe God is going to do this through His JIBC family. In some ways, what I will be sharing is a continuation of what has been in my heart from day one: making a difference in our families, our neighborhood, our community and world.
As you know we strive to be driven by the purposes of God as revealed in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We exist to bring people into the family of God (Membership), help them become like Jesus (Maturity), involve them in serving one another (Ministry), sending them into the community and world (Mission) and to glorify God (Magnify). That is what we do. Who we do it with can be seen in concentric circles starting in the Community, bringing them to the Crowd, involving them in the Church, helping them move to grow as the Committed and sending them back out to the serve as the Core. The vision for the next 16 months includes doing church together ON PURPOSE.
We do a pretty good job of keeping a thin calendar. So I will do my absolute best to not waste your time. If there is one meeting for you to absolutely attend, this is it. You will hear my heart, see my commitment, and feel my passion. I love what I do and who I do it with. I am looking forward and praying for the best year ever. Let’s do it together, ON PURPOSE!
Pastor Tom