Thursday, June 1, 2017


On Sunday, June 11, we will be giving out a devotional guide by our church family and for our church family. It is a 33 day devotional designed to go along with whatever daily Bible Reading you are currently doing. The goal is that it will take us up to and through our 70th Church Anniversary. It is hard to believe, but on Sunday, July 9, JIBC will be celebrating 70 years of missions and ministry. My hope is that the devotional will help us rejoice at what God is doing, inspire us to faithfully continue reaching out to our community and around the world. The emphasis is on what God is doing and how we are joining Him.

So, there are basically two parts to the devotional. Each of the 33 days begins with a brief testimony from a church member on “Why I Love My Church”. The reasons are different and yet very similar. I think you will enjoy reading each of them. For the second part of each days devotionals, we asked our Missions and Ministry Team Leaders to write a devotional description of their mission or ministry. Share a description, a thought and a specific way the church family could pray for you. My guess is there will be missions and ministries listed that you did not know we had and supported. Again, the goal is not to pat ourselves on the back, but to give God glory. Even as Matthew 5:16 says “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” All glory is given to God. And perhaps, just perhaps, someone will be inspired or convicted to join one of these missions and ministries or start one of their own.

If you already know you will not be here on Sunday, June 11, for the distribution Sunday, please come by when you can and pick up a copy. If you know someone who would enjoy reading this devotional, please take one for them. First printing will be 300 copies for our JIBC family. The second printing will be as needed. Enjoy and give Him praise and thanks.

Pastor Tom