Tuesday, March 19, 2019


This past Sunday I started a series I am calling A.C.T.S. of Spiritual Warfare. Many of us grew up with the little prayer guide of A.C.T.S….Adoration—Confession—Thanksgiving—Supplication (Seeking in prayer for others). This is the guide that I use in my daily time alone with God. I start by reading the scripture trying to let the Word of God be the first thing in my thoughts. When I am finished, I begin my prayer time using the A.C.T.S. prayer guide. I don’t try to be rigid about this or to think it is the only way to pray. It is just the way that helps me stay on track and balanced.

I begin with prayers of Adoration and Praise. My first thought is to look over what I just read in the Bible. Was there anything I just read that would help me to praise and adore Him? This morning I read a few chapters in Esther. So I praise God for His ability to work behind the scenes moving even the heart of a pagan king to accomplish His work. This brings me hope about today’s politics in America!

I then move to a time of confession. I have written some of my favorite verses about confession and so I read them and then ask for the Spirit of God to show me my sins, my hurts, habits and hang-ups. My favorite verse of confession is 1 John 1:9.

Then I turn my heart and mind to thanksgiving. I have a few verses about thanksgiving written down that I will read. Then I write down 3 things I am thankful for from the day before. I try to be specific. I often thank God for my wife, Janie, and for good coffee! I also frequently thank God for our church family. I am currently on day 549 in giving thanks every day. Writing them down helps me to be specific.

Last, I pray prayers of supplication. I pray for others. Again, I have verses that I have recorded about praying for others. This helps me know what to pray. My habit is to pray for certain things on certain days. On Sunday, I pray for the Marty and the praise team, our safety team, all the volunteers who teach and serve, etc. On Mondays, I pray for all my preacher friends. Monday is a tough day for pastors. The adrenaline rush of Sunday is coming down on Monday. It can feel like depression when it is really the body and mind just relaxing and slowing down. We have an old saying among pastors…never resign on a Monday. And so on and so on for the rest of the week; I pray for certain things on certain days. Then I have my daily prayer list: that includes, family, staff, friends, the green sheets turned in on Sunday, etc.

ow you can see why I have to have an orderly way to pray. The A.C.T. S. prayer guide and my prayer journal/notebook helps me to be consistent in my prayers. Don’t let this article limit your prayer life. Some of you are way beyond this in your prayer ministry. Some may feel like this is not the plan for you, maybe it seems to complicated. No problem. Just repeat the request of the Apostles… “Lord, teach us to pray”. The how to pray will come along…the bigger issue is…just pray!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom