Tuesday, September 10, 2019


NEED A LIFT? As I type this article, can you guess the sound I am hearing? Here is a hint: it has been over a year in coming. That is right, the elevator. I hear the elevator work crew as they are testing to make sure all systems are go! Whoohoo. This thing is happening and it is happening now. I mean really, this past Sunday, they had the elevator doors on. We are planning for the dedication and celebration. We will let you know as soon as we have a solid date. Oh, what a glorious day!

GOD DOMINATED THE MONTH OF AUGUST! My grandson said “If my dad was here, he would dominate this treadmill!” Our Father in Heaven dominated a month that many church leaders see as a throw away month. I do understand that for some, August is a month to rest, slow down and prepare for the momentum of Fall. Thank you JIBC for responding with such great generosity. You will, by far, have given the largest one time food offering in JIBC history. I cannot wait to hear the final weight count of the massive amounts of food you donated. Hunger does not take a break in August. You dominated that challenge!

I had originally thought JIBC could give maybe 30 backpacks stuffed with school supplies to help families in need. I was thinking maybe one whole class rooms of kids could be our goal. You dominated the school supplies! When it is all said and done, I think we will have over 100 school bags full of blessings for kids in need. Church wide, preschool, children, youth, adults, Senior adults, homebound…you all gave and dominated the school supplies!

Attendance, giving, worship all were up during what is traditionally one of the lowest attended months of the year. D.O.M.I.N.A.T.E.D.

HERE IS THE CHERRY ON TOP. In addition to the awesome response to helping those in need, our Father in Heaven has supplies us with our Temporary Part-Time Worship Leader. Pastor David Martin began last Sunday night at Celebrate Recovery and led in an incredible worship experience. He met with us for his first staff meeting this past Monday and September 1 will be his first Sunday morning with our JIBC family. I am thrilled beyond words. You will love David and I know he already loves the reception and experience he has received.

My deepest heartfelt thanks to Frankie Gilmore, our Student Pastor, for leading worship during the month of August. He did a great job and is helping David get situated to JIBC. Frankie, thanks again for your servant heart and capable leadership. By the way, listen to this. While we were enjoying the ministry of David, our new worship leader at JIBC Celebrate Recovery, Marty Clark was performing at a Sunday afternoon Live Oak Concert with Audra and Emily Rheaume. How great to see God at work. Win, win, win…our Father dominated again.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom