Tuesday, September 10, 2019


The Elevator, the long awaited Elevator is in! Somebody say “Hallelujah!”. Now, it is not quite ready and fully operational, but it is installed. We are working as hard as we can to coordinate a time for a dedication and celebration. There are still a few little items to be adjusted and addressed. But the wonderful reality is that the Elevator is installed! We will have a ribbon cutting and dedication as soon as we get the all clear signal and all the little details have been arranged. Thank you to all who made this possible. To God be the glory.

Let me share a little back story about the Elevator. It seems like such a long time ago we all participated in “Daring Faith: Renovating Believers and Renovating Buildings”. For 8 weeks we talked about, studied about and read what God’s Word said about faith. Our goal was to build believers who would walk by faith, act in faith and live by faith. The last four weeks of Daring Faith we talked about “Renovating Buildings” and how our Great God would pay for it. In that period of time our JIBC family and friends committed to giving over $600,000 toward the renovation mission. It is as if the Good Lord knew we would have cost overruns and unplanned additions to the renovation plans. With the elevator being completed, we are down to the home stretch. We only have the renovation of the two main hall restrooms and paying off the remaining debt. What a wonderful testimony to the goodness of God and the generosity of His people.

Now, could I make a bold request. Would you and your family talk about joining our Staff and Leadership Team in making a thanksgiving offering to celebrate the completion of the Elevator? Such a gift could be a onetime Thanksgiving Offering or a weekly or monthly gift. It may be that you were going to give a gift at some later time to Daring Faith. It would really help if you were able to give a gift sooner rather than later. Whenever possible, we are trying to pay as we go and not borrow any money from the bank. So far, so good! The Elevator and the new entrance will cost over $100,000 when all said and done. It will cost around $110 per month for monitoring the Elevator. So any gift would be very helpful and greatly appreciated.

I was really hoping we could make the Elevator Celebration/Dedication on Sunday, September 15. That will be the exact date of my 34th Anniversary with JIBC. I could not think of a better way to celebrate God’s goodness than to give a thanksgiving offering for the Elevator. A gift with a lift for years to come. I like the ring of that!

Pastor Tom