We just finished with our weekly staff meeting. One of the comments I left them with was the following: PRESS ON, DON’T JUST HOLD ON. It is tempting to just hold on, whatever that means to you, during this Covid-19 Pandemic. Just hold on and eventually things will get back to normal. I am not sure many people believe we will get back to normal or that we even want to get back to normal. But simply holding on is not really an option for followers of Christ.
During the last seven months, we have committed ourselves to pressing on when it comes to church mission and ministry. When we were not able to have in-person gatherings, we adapted and had online messages and worship. When Connection Groups could not meet together in-person, they began to Zoom! We have heard from several Connection Groups that in some ways they are more active and together than before the pandemic affected in-person gathering. My wife, Janie, loves watching her group share back and forth about mission and ministry. Gotta love that!When we could not have Wednesday night dinners, God blessed us with a strategy to bless others. So we delivered to homebound, shut-ins, fire stations, EMT, first responders, medical clinics, etc. The pandemic did not stop ministry and mission it just made it different. The JIBC family has given more food to James Island Outreach since the first of the year than any two years put together…and the year is not over yet. Because of your generosity, we have been able to continue our support of International, National, State and Charleston Baptist Missions. I have heard the most wonderful stories of Connection Groups doing community outreach events. One group helped host a Neighborhood Movie night and collected 230 pounds of food for James Island Outreach. That 230 pounds will be matched by JIBC totaling 460 pounds of food. We have hosted meals for grieving families in our community that are not a part of JIBC sharing the love of Christ in difficult times.
Our goal has never been to just hold on till this crisis passed. Our goal, as always, is to look where God is working and join Him. Press on, don’t just hold on. Sunday, September 6, we begin to press on with our in-person worship gatherings. We understand not everyone is ready, willing or able to come back. So we press on with technology and will provide recordings and live streaming so you can keep connected at home. On Sunday, September 13 we will have the Lord’s Supper and celebrate baptism. Press on don’t just hold on. Press on in your Bible Study and prayers; press on in staying connected with your church family and friends. Press on in your generous giving to help others. Press on whether it is movie night under the oaks, the marriage enrichment event, or family night at the beach…press on, don’t just hold on.
This pandemic does not build character it reveals the character that you have. Press on!
Pastor Tom
This pandemic does not build character it reveals the character that you have. Press on!
Pastor Tom