Friday, August 28, 2020


Starting Sunday, September 6, we are going to start again with the “in-person” worship gatherings. Remember, you never stopped worshiping. The only question is Who or what were you worshipping. We only stopped “in-person” worship gatherings because several of our leaders had Covid-19, we had two deaths related to Covid 19 and the number of cases in SC were spiking at that point. I am so thankful for our staff that could arrange for our messages to be recorded and available. Bless all of our Connection Group leaders who continually taught the Word of God on Zoom and found creative ways to reach out to and pray for their members. Well done good and faithful servants.

So, we are going to try it again. This time we are inside for both services, one at 9:00 and one at 11:00. We would absolutely have the 9:00 service outside if we were not in the middle of hurricane season. The set up and take down of the tent, chairs, stage and equipment can be a challenge without the threat of a tropical storm or hurricane. Maybe we will go outside in October?

One of the most controversial parts of this pandemic has been mask or no mask. The emotions range from a mild “It does not matter to me” to bullying and shaming if you even consider not wearing a mask. It will not get any easier at JIBC. We encourage everyone to wear a mask as you come to worship and enter the buildings and to wear a mask when the service is over and you exit the building. At this time, you are encouraged to wear your mask the entire time with our blessing. Restaurants require masks while entering, going to your table and while exiting. You are of course, allowed to take off your mask while you eat. At this time, our principle is similar. You may want or need to take off your mask once you are seated, at your table, so to speak. Of course you may leave your mask on and you may choose to sit around family and others that you know prefer to keep their mask on. We will, by the way, continue to provide on line worship for those who cannot attend or choose not to attend. We bless your choice to be safe.

Until then, we ask that you stop by one of the Health Screening Stations for a quick temp check and to answer a few basic questions. If you are not feeling well, consider staying at home. Do let us know so we can keep you in our prayers.

“It’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times…but these are the only times we have”. Let’s make the most of them for the glory of God. Hope to see you soon.

Pastor Tom