Nascar legend Darrell Waltrip has a signature way to start a race: “Boogity, boogity, boogity, Let’s go racing boys!” If I could be so crude to paraphrase his excitement: “Boogity, boogity, boogity, Let’s go worship James Island Baptist style!”
Ok, too much? Let’s try the words to one of my favorite praise songs “Church” (Take Me Back) by Cochren & Co. Check it out on you tube or wherever you listen to songs. Here are some of the words. Let’s see if you agree?Take me back to the place that feels like home,
To the people I can depend on, to the faith that's in my bones
Take me back, to a preacher and a verse,
Where they've seen me at my worst, to the love I had at first
Oh, I want to go to church!
THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, we are re-entering into what has now become known as “in-person” worship. We have always gathered for worship, but once again, we will gather for in-person worship. We will still continue our online presence and in a week or two add live streaming so you can watch our service as it is happening or go back to it at a later time. What a wonderful blessing this technology has been for us.
Preschool Worship and Children’s Worship will be offered at the 11:00 service. We do ask that you pre-register your children using the link on the home page of Of course, children are welcome to attend either service with their parents.
Thank you to our Welcome/Health team helping to make sure we bless others with our efforts to do the minimal health screen. Thank you JIBC for your servant attitude of doing this to bless others, to do our best to protect the vulnerable and well as anyone else.
So, when you arrive Sunday come a little early for the 9:00 worship or the 11:00 worship. Stop by the Welcome/Health station. They will scan your temperature and ask you a few very standard, very simple questions. You may wear your mask the entire time you are on the church campus. Everyone who can wear a mask is asked to wear a mask from your car to your seat in the Worship Center. You may then choose to remove your mask or keep your mask on. Those who want to keep their mask on may possibly find a group to sit near that also want to keep theirs on the entire time. *Please note, this could all change in a moments time. Right now this is the plan.
“Take me back To the place that feels like home,
To the people I can depend on, To the faith that's in my bones
Take me back, To a preacher and a verse,
Where they've seen me at my worst, To the love I had at first
Oh, I want to go to church!
As always, those who are vulnerable or are not ready to return to in-person gatherings are encouraged to join us online. We bless you and your decision and are praying we all remain Covid-19 free and healthy. See you Sunday, good Lord willing and the temperature don’t rise”. Sorry, could not resist. Boogity, boogity, boogity!
Pastor Tom