Wednesday, September 9, 2020


A man fell out of a window. Every time he would pass one window after another on his way down to the bottom. He passed by one window and the person inside asked him “How’s it going?” He answered… “So far, so good!” That is how I have answered the question “How did your first Sunday back go?” My answer…. “So far, so good!”

Really, we did have a very successful re-re-launch to our in-person worship gathering. For a holiday weekend, I thought the attendance was very good. Certainly the spirit and enthusiasm was high. Under the masks there were smiling faces! How can you tell they were smiling under a mask? You can tell. Want to know the secret? A genuine smile involves your eyes. Sometimes when we smile for a picture it is a forced smile. When we smile and it is genuine, it affects the corners of our eyes. The outside corners kind of “wrinkle up” in a good way. Practice it sometime. It is so interesting. So, there were lots of smiles Sunday.

Again, thank you for your patience and prayers as we continue to work this pandemic response out. I do believe we will lose members who may choose to go to another church during this season. As much as I hate that I would rather lose members to another church family than to lose them to death because we did not try. Practice living out the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. If we will do this, my guess is we will make it through this season of trial together, better, closer and stronger. If we do not live these out, well, it could turn out to be a long ride. The old high school typing line is still appropriate: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Or in this case…church.

We are still a church on mission, making disciples, committed to the Word, Prayer and the spiritual disciplines, to serving, to reaching and to worship. Our mission has not changed one bit…only how we carry it out! And in some ways, that has actually gotten better because of the pandemic!

Many of you should have already received your gift package from JIBC. Our Connection Groups are in the process of delivering the gift bags to members of their Connection Groups first and then will try to deliver to the rest of our church family and friends. You really want to get the JIBC 40 Day Devotional. I am so enjoying reading mine. If yours has not arrived, please let Scott know. You can text him or email him.

This Sunday Worship will include baptism and the Lord’s Supper. What a day we have planned. I do hope you will be able to join us! By the way, this Sunday will be our 35th anniversary together with our JIBC family. Janie and I do not take it for granted that we have been blessed greatly with such a privilege. I am so sorry we will not be able to celebrate together the way Janie and I have planned. Good Lord willing, maybe we can do it for our 36th!

Pastor Tom