Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A New Way

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it? I am making a way…”
Isaiah 43:19

This is the first verse I will memorize in 2021.  It is the theme of our church new year.  It would be a good one to add to your list of memorized verses.   My thanks to Pastor Scott for teaching Sunday and introducing the New Year’s Theme: A New Way.  I am looking forward to continuing this series Sunday! 

Speaking of a new way…here are two “new” things that will be happening. Both of them are Covid-19 related.  We are trying our absolute best to make progress while also trying to do our best to mitigate the spread of this virus.  It is a bit like keeping one foot on the dock while having the other foot on the boat.  Lol!   We are, with cautious optimism, wading back into a full church schedule.  We are adding one or two things at a time.  We will then evaluate and make course corrections as we go. 

 WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS ARE BACK WEDNESDAY JANUARY13!  You can sign up online or this Sunday during worship to reserve a spot at the Wednesday night meal.  Tables will be spread out with limited seating at each table.  We will have some new options for payments.  You can pay with cash but you must have the exact amount.  That helps everyone not “touch” the money more than necessary.  We are also trying to make it possible to pay by debit card (that is still being worked out).  The cost is $5 per adult and youth and $3 for children.  Bear with us while we work out the details.  Please wear your mask until you are seated at your table.  No one will be allowed in the Kitchen area except the Kitchen Krew.  They will accept “air hugs and kisses” from a distance! 

SUNDAY CHANGES.   We will be receiving the offering as we did during the Christmas Eve services.  Our leader/servants will hold the offering plates as they walk down each aisle.  That limits the contact and is a method of offering more similar to what our church family is use to.  You may, of course, still place your offering in one of the offering boxes located in the worship center.   A growing number of our church families and friends are giving online now, but for some, it is still their preference to give at the service.  We are providing multiple opportunities.  Giving is very much a part of our worship experience. 

“See, I am doing a new thing!”  Let’s join Him is what He is doing.

Pastor Tom