“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19
Now here is the challenge: You can’t receive the new way of God until you open your hand and let go of the old way. If you are familiar with Experiencing God you may remember this: You can’t go with God and stay where you are! I love the idea of God doing a new thing. But truthfully a new thing can be challenging. It is easy to get comfortable with an old way or an old thing. Sometimes when God starts a new thing in a new way in our lives, the greatest opposition comes from the old things with its old ways.
The good news is that God has a history of doing new things, of making a way in the wilderness of life, of making rivers where there has been deserts. John 5:17 says the Father is always at work. I believe that and pray that He will help us to “perceive it” as Isaiah says. Perhaps He is doing something new in your family; your work; your spiritual life; James Island Baptist; our country? I know our Father has a history of doing a new thing. Let’s look for it and expect it. I am praying He will continually do a new thing in my life and that I will be able to see it and embrace it. May the deserts you experience be flooded and overflow with the river of God’s blessing. May the wilderness in your life that seemed so empty and barren become a place of abundant blessing. We must be willing to open our hands and let go of the old to receive the new thing God is doing.
By the way, speaking of God doing a new thing, Pastor Frankie Gilmore has accepted a call to a sister church in the Summerville area. He began with us as an intern while he was at Charleston Southern. We called him to a part time position as soon as one was available. As his wedding date moved closer, he needed a full time salary so he went to work for one of the Escape Venues here in Charleston. We then put together a full time package to help meet his needs and called him back to JIBC. I am so excited for Frankie and Jen and the opportunity ahead for them. This will be a great opportunity to grow even more. They are loved and will always be a welcomed part of the JIBC family. He has been one of the most versatile staff members we have ever had and he served with such a willing heart. Just like Frankie and Jen, we now open our hand to let go of the old way to receive the new way and the new thing God is doing.
Hope to see you Sunday, good Lord willing!
Pastor Tom