Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Church: The Body of Christ

This Sunday I will conclude the teaching series on the Church. The theme of 2022 is “Better Together”. I have been trying to teach what the Bible says about the church and to make the point that we are indeed, better together. One of the hardest obstacles to overcome is the consumer mentality as it is related to the church. For some, the church is just a vendor of religious goods and services primarily existing in order to serve its members. That may be an established or even an entrenched idea for some. It is not the biblical picture.

We started with the words of Jesus found in Matthew 16:18: “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God’. Jesus replied “…and on this rock I will build my church.’” What is the church that Jesus is building and what are we supposed to be doing? You can visit online and hear the message that addresses these questions.

As I am fond of saying “God is in business to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. JIBC is in business to join Him”. We reach people to be a part of God’s family; help them grow to become more like Jesus; equip them for their ministry to the Body of Christ; send them out into the community and world to make a difference; and to worship Him daily in our lifestyle and weekly as we gather.

The second message on the Church was based on 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. The Corinthians Church got a little sideways on their attitudes about “those people”. Paul took them back to Jesus, back to His crucifixion, burial and resurrection. He led them to focus on Jesus and to do some self-examination. Our attitude should be that of Christ…not that of the world.

Last Sunday we looked at the Apostle Paul’s favorite analogy of the Church…The Body of Christ. Paul refers to “body” over 91 times. He uses the analogy of the body for the church 18 times in this chapter. He must have been convinced that this was a great analogy. The Body has many parts, but is ONE Body; it has many parts and each one is IMPORTANT; it has many parts but we are still INTERDEPENDENT; the body has many parts but we still have UNITY IN DIVERSITY. It is easy to make the biblical case…we are better together.

Membership into a local church family is membership into fellowship. In this fellowship, we are united by the mission of God; by the commission of our Lord Jesus; and by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. We do this better together. We are not just consuming religious goods and services. We are joining God on a mission to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. Membership into God’s family is the first step of the journey.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, February 17, 2022

What is your Love Language?

Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages, has been around for a long, long time. It is a classic for a reason…it is good, really good! The idea is that each of us has a primary love language that we speak. I don’t mean like French or Spanish. The Five Love languages are: Words of Affirmation; Quality Time; Receiving Gifts; Acts of Service; and Physical Touch. There is an old saying that “knowledge is power”. In this case, I agree. Knowing and understanding your love language, the love language of your spouse, children or the people around you gives you…well, power. You have the power to better understand others and the power to bless them by speaking a language they understand.

I don’t want to imply the book is magical in any way. I do want to imply it is extremely helpful. When I meet with couples wanting to get married, this book is always one that I recommend. There are two principles in this book that could change good marriages into better marriages. That by itself is worth the time and effort it takes to attend the class.

We have 22 signed up for this class so far. There is room for about 8 more. We will meet on Sunday evenings. You can join us for the optional fellowship meal at 5:30; Worship from 6:30 to 7:00 in the Worship Center; and the Love Language class from 7:00 to 7:45. We are scheduled to meet in the Genesis Class room, in the back of the Fellowship Hall. Child care is provided.

By the way, if you have already taken the Five Love Languages seminar, I would like to ask a favor. If you know your love language and see ways that you use it on a regular basis, would you let me know? I would love to have a few “real life” examples of how this has helped you. Nothing fancy or formal; just a brief one or two minute story. (Email me at or text me at 843.729.9798)

I am looking forward to this class. Maybe we will be able to offer it on a Wednesday Night for those who cannot make a Sunday Night. Blessings to you!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, February 10, 2022


Each year I am invited to participate in The Four Chaplains service at the PFC Ralph Johnson American Legion Post 147 located on Folly Road here on James Island. It is a wonderful service to remember the heroic acts of bravery performed by Chaplains Alexander Goode, George Fox, Clark Poling and John Washington. These four Chaplains were on board the SS Dorchester, a transport ship, when the ship was spotted by a German submarine off the coast of Newfoundland. At 1:00 AM on February 3rd, the SS Dorchester, carrying 900 men, was hit by a torpedo. The devastating damage caused the ship to sink in a matter of minutes. Men were helped to lifejackets and life boats. Only 203 of the 904 men survived the explosion and the bitter freezing waters.

The four Chaplains were helping the soldiers put on their lifejackets and get on the limited number of lifeboats that were still available. All four of the Chaplains, a Methodist Pastor, a Jewish Priest, a Catholic Priest and a Reformed Pastor, removed their own lifejackets and gave them to men who could not swim. These four men, locked arms and went down with the ship singing hymns and offering prayers.

These four brave men were not forgotten. They were posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple Heart. They joined together to give their lives so others could live. These four came from different faiths yet had the same Father; the same love for others; the same belief in giving so others could live.

I have been privileged to participate in this moving service for over 12 years. This year’s service was as beautiful as it was emotionally moving. I am honored to be asked to remember four fellow clergy who served our Father and our country. I am thankful for the PFC Ralph Johnson American Legion Post 147 for sponsoring this patriotic and spiritually moving service. Greater love has no man than to give up his life for another. Thank you Chaplains for your love, sacrifice and exemplary bravery.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, February 3, 2022

“Standing in the need of prayer”

It’s me, it’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer, It’s me, It’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer. Not my father, not my mother but it’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer”

Anyone remember that old gospel song? I have heard it sung by the Gaither’s, children, as a spiritual and a half of dozen other ways. It is not very fancy as far as songs go, but it is very deep and heartfelt. 
Now, raise your hand if that song applies to you, your loved ones or friends. I am raising my hand. We are living in a very interesting time. By interesting, I mean things like stressful, uncertain, quickly changing, value testing, etc. It seems to me that there is a lot happening with sickness, death, employment/unemployment issues, and assault on family values, and on and on.

So what do we do in stressful times when it seems there is not a lot we can do or control? Here recently, I have been reciting this phrase: “Praise more, Thank more and Do more for those in need.” The One thing that is constant is our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. As the hymn says “Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not, great is Thy faithfulness unto me”

I need my daily time alone with God to get my focus right. I want to focus on the One who does not change, not the world that constantly changes. I read the great stories of the Bible to remind me of what God has done in the past and to give me hope of what He can do in the present and future. When I read the Bible and the characteristics of God are listed, I will often use what I just read as part of my praise and adoration time. Focusing on a Great and Mighty God helps me keep my challenges in check.

I try to list three things I am thankful for every day. Sometimes they are small things like good coffee. Other times they are things like a warm bed and a home. I give thanks for the people in my life that bless as well as the ones who stretch my thinking. Giving thanks is a way of remembering just how good our Heavenly Father is to us all.

Then I pray for others. There are so many with so many needs…so many standing in the need of prayer. I believe in prayer and the ministry of praying for others. I am blessed to believe there are others praying for me. Many of the blessings of my life are due not to my own goodness, but to the faithful prayers of family and friends.

“It’s us, it is us O Lord, standing in the need of prayer…standing in the need of You, standing in the need of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. It’s us, it’s us O Lord. Amen”

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom