It’s me, it’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer, It’s me, It’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer. Not my father, not my mother but it’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer”
Anyone remember that old gospel song? I have heard it sung by the Gaither’s, children, as a spiritual and a half of dozen other ways. It is not very fancy as far as songs go, but it is very deep and heartfelt.
Now, raise your hand if that song applies to you, your loved ones or friends. I am raising my hand. We are living in a very interesting time. By interesting, I mean things like stressful, uncertain, quickly changing, value testing, etc. It seems to me that there is a lot happening with sickness, death, employment/unemployment issues, and assault on family values, and on and on.
So what do we do in stressful times when it seems there is not a lot we can do or control? Here recently, I have been reciting this phrase: “Praise more, Thank more and Do more for those in need.” The One thing that is constant is our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. As the hymn says “Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not, great is Thy faithfulness unto me”
I need my daily time alone with God to get my focus right. I want to focus on the One who does not change, not the world that constantly changes. I read the great stories of the Bible to remind me of what God has done in the past and to give me hope of what He can do in the present and future. When I read the Bible and the characteristics of God are listed, I will often use what I just read as part of my praise and adoration time. Focusing on a Great and Mighty God helps me keep my challenges in check.
I try to list three things I am thankful for every day. Sometimes they are small things like good coffee. Other times they are things like a warm bed and a home. I give thanks for the people in my life that bless as well as the ones who stretch my thinking. Giving thanks is a way of remembering just how good our Heavenly Father is to us all.
Then I pray for others. There are so many with so many needs…so many standing in the need of prayer. I believe in prayer and the ministry of praying for others. I am blessed to believe there are others praying for me. Many of the blessings of my life are due not to my own goodness, but to the faithful prayers of family and friends.
“It’s us, it is us O Lord, standing in the need of prayer…standing in the need of You, standing in the need of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. It’s us, it’s us O Lord. Amen”
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom