That is a line from one of the songs we sing on Sunday. I like it a lot! It reminds me of what I sometimes take for granted. Look around, see the blessings and draw a straight line back to our Father, from whom all our blessings flow. He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. I see the evidence of His goodness, all over my life…and all over the life of the James Island Baptist Church family!
Last week we had our Ministry Management Team/Quarterly Ministry Conference. I love two of the comments that were shared. The first comment: “I believe from the top to bottom, this is the best group of leaders we have ever had”. If you had have heard the reports from the Team Leaders, I think you might agree. The second comment: “This may have been the most positive meeting I have been in at JIBC”. That was not to say that other meetings were not positive. Rather, this one just cascaded with one blessing after another. The continual outward focus of our Ministry Teams is so refreshing. Thank you all for sharing what you see God doing in your area of ministry.
This week we have two more blessings. First, at the 11:00 Worship service, we will have two baptisms. What a joy to baptize a brother and a sister! Later Sunday afternoon, we will have Class 101: Discovering Membership at JIBC. This is always a great class. I see the evidence of His goodness, all over the life of our church.
The Charleston Center has started allowing their patients to join us at Celebrate Recovery. They were in isolation so long because of Covid. They started back a few weeks ago and we are thrilled to have them back. The Charleston Center is Charleston County’s Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program. We have been partners with them for over 10 years through Celebrate Recovery and the Transition House. This past Sunday night was a beautiful Celebrate Recovery Worship Experience. Thank you for being willing to tackle the spiritual giants in our community and state. This week we will have one of our members picking up their 3 year medallion! Three years sober! I see the evidence of His goodness, all over our church.
Blessings to all those back in school, to all our teachers and administrators. May you too, see the evidence of His goodness, all over your school!
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom